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New Phone time


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So what do people recommend? Orange network, the following phones all look pretty, but anything have been missed here?

Sanyo s750/750i

Samsung D500

Samsung E800

Motorola V3

Nokia 6680

Nokia 6630

Nokia 3230

Any opinions appreciated - all I want is to make calls, make txts and have the crazy frog play as a ringtone.

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I've had my 6680 just over a week now and it's great. I'd say it was well worth the wait of several months between Orange announicing it was coming and it actually being available. Doesn't come with any games on it though.

I had a look at the GF's brother's K750(i?) and, although the camera is better, I still prefer the 6680. Depends what you want the phone for I guess. I liked the 6310 and 6310i for being no-nonsense phones and the 6680 is the first phone from Nokia since those that (as fas as I'm concerned) does as good a job.

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Another tought is - perhaps I should take a phone that can replace my Ipaq2210 as well - save me carryign 2 devices - is there anything that could do that well enough on orange?

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Depends what you use the Ipaq for...

I've got an XDAii ported onto Orange at the moment, and it's pretty good for most things. It's the previous version of the M2000 which is available directly on Orange. I'm a bit unhappy about the size though, so I've switched across my personal phone to the SPV500, and the work phone (currently the XDA) is going to be swapped the same way in the next few weeks.

I only really use it for the calendar syncronising, and not as a full featured PDA, so I'm downsizing. The XDA / M2000 isn't too bad for a compromise device, and there are plenty of apps for it - it runs Windows Mobile (is this the same as the Ipaq?)



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perhaps I should take a phone that can replace my Ipaq2210 as well - save me carryign 2 devices - is there anything that could do that well enough on orange?

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Could go for the SPV C500, or the 6680 OS is Symbian-based and will do email, calendar, document viewing/editing, etc.

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if you want a pda/phone combo take a look at the treo 650 on orange i got one last week and think its ace. Not as powerful as the pocket pcs but not far off palm os is nice to use and most importantly it works one handed like a mobile phone. all the pocket pc phones like the imate pda2k need the stylus which is a pain if you are using it as a mobile phone. it has bluetooth and can be linked to a gps so it can do sat nav (something i will be doing soon) its also ace for movies (320 by 320 screen res - the highest resolution screen available on a smartphone i think) you can get a gameboy colour emulator too - no need for crummy java games! I also have vnc on mine so i can remote control my home pc wherever i am. Also does mp3s and will take a 2gb sd card!

only downside is limited built in memory (not a problem as you can run apps from sd cards) and a lillte unstable (no worse than the imate pda2k i have been using though). it is also quite expensive - £200 quid with a 25 quid a month contract.

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At work I have been playing with a 6680 and 6630. I've borrowed the 6680 for a while now and while I do like the phone in general I do find its a bit of a brick and can be rather slow. Saying that it has more features than you can shake a stick at. 6630 seems a little quicker, screen isn't quite as nice, no 2nd camera and the whole unit feels a bit cheap when put side by side with the 6680, otherwise pretty much the same as 6680. Being symbian you can get all sorts of toys for them, have tried opera and putty for example. Also if you're brave the SDKs for java and C++ are free on the web. Stability of both of them has been good. Be aware though its a pita to get them unlocked, not many places appart from the operators can unlock them as they have a new protection system in place which hasn't been cracked like the older ones.

My own personal phone is due for replacement next month. I think I'm going to hold off as Nokia should have the N70 avaliable soonish and there is also the new SPV 550 coming shortly which might be worth a look.

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