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BM 330 driver with a bit of a temper


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Last friday some to$$er in a silver 330d (see pic) REG: *** *** decided to get a little stroppy on me as he didnt like that i didnt automatically get out of his way when he wanted to blatantly disregard the lane arrows on the south circular...

So here's the deal: 3 lanes come up to a junction and at the first set of lights the right lane turns right and after the lights we gain an extra lane on the left for people to turn left at the next set which is quite close. Well i decide to then move into the far right lane (which is for straight ahead only as there is no right turn at set of lights number 2). Well Mr 330 decides to take the middle lane but half wayacross lights drift across to take the outside lane for the dual carriageway ahead - all without indicating and fairly rapidly. Unfortunately it was a little difficult for me to get out of the arrogant funkers way properly/safely - so i didnt.

He then proceeded to scream obscenities at me out of his car window and rapidly weave towards my car to try intimidate me - not really bothering to take the space in front of me - he just wanted to be a fekr.gif

Next thing a bus stops in front of him so he makes a mad dash to squeeze through at the last minute in front of me and stops to block the road - jumps out and does the old "hard scrawny guy in a nice M&S jumper" and not so politely knocks on my window - all whilst he was getting beeped and grief from an NTL van for being a plick!

So, if anyone knows this guy feel free to let me know his address and i will be more than happy to have the civilised chat he so obviously wanted. openfire.gifsmashfreakB.gif

Anyways he headed east along the A205 still driving like a buttcheeks.gif then went south on the A2...

Why do people get so pissed off when they blatantly didnt follow the nice big arrow on the road (and no comments about my little PCN recently please).


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Oh dear. Why do people like this (330 driver) get so wound up?

I wouldn't bother going round to see him. It seldom resolves anything and he'll probably do it again to someone who has a baseball bat in their car at some point in the future and you'll read about his demise on the news.

Just forget about him. He's a twat, and a small minded one at that by the sounds of it.

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Last weekend was absolutely awesome - cant beat sitting by the lake with some lovely ladies in bikini's, a bbq, some cold beer and an empty lake at your disposal (nationals was on in london so no queue for skiing) - kind of took my mind off the fekr.gif in the BMW.

Matt - rip it up down there this weekend and hope the weather holds out for you. Oh and dont know how much you follow tourney skiing but this link may amuse you...


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were not all inconsidarate pr**k,s but lane jumping and not reading road markings get,s my blood boiling more so when ure approaching a roundabout and you just know that the person on ure left is going to cut you up on the roundabout going straight ahead .Theres one at my local large shopping centre as you leave and theres been plenty of bumps and scrapes here IDIOTS fekr.gif,S


BMW drivers eh?!

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I got road raged in the R for giving the bird to a guy who had been tailigating me (no more than two feet) for about a mile for NO reason other than bitterness.

He overtook me in a very dangerous spot, jumped out and went mental. Several others stopped (this was a busy area) to help but I sat there and locked the doors until he naffed off.

I had a flash of temptation to knock him out (he was a big guy but mostly fat, I'm not but a decent kickboxer) but thought better of it.

Small knob syndrome I'd say.

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Last friday some to$$er in a silver 330d (see pic) REG: *** *** decided to get a little stroppy on me as he didnt like that i didnt automatically get out of his way when he wanted to blatantly disregard the lane arrows on the south circular...

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I wonder whether this was really deliberate? You might have felt the same animosity towards me less than a week ago!

I was following my navigation system whilst finding a hotel in Geordie land. I went across a roundabout, taking the second exit into a road section which has two lanes.

Traffic entering the roundabout from my left was in a continuous stationary queue, tailed back from the left hand lane of the road I was entering - I had nowhere to go,other than take the right hand lane.

You've probably guessed what happened next - I was happily driving down the clear right hand lane when the Nav system gave it's next instruction to bear left! Of course, the lane I was driving in became a right turn lane at a traffic light controlled junction! Clearly, I was in the wrong, but as a stranger to the area I had no way of knowing that I was in the wrong lane.

When I realised my error I stopped and indicated left. Of course, a number of drivers made it quite clear that they weren't going to allow me switch lanes, before one kind soul did let me in.

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Yeah but it is the few who ruin it for everyone else.

Bike to work everyday and stop at red traffic lights like anyone on wheels obviously should. However, I still see cyclists bombing down the middle of two lanes of traffic waiting at reds before flying straight through.

Means others may decide to tarnish 'us' all with one brush. SAUER0421.GIF


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I wonder whether this was really deliberate? You might have felt the same animosity towards me less than a week ago!

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Oh for sure it was deliberate - just i got in the way of what he wanted to do...

i think you have slightly misinterpreted my comments though - it wasnt really a case of me not letting him in. He had already decided that i was in the wrong as i drove across the junction and he wasnt attempting to be 'let into' the lane i was in - he actually was beside me and felt the need to simply veer across rather quite agressively and very quickly as he was angry i guess because he thought i was in the wrong lane.

Driving around london all the time means you do get to see some real idiots driving - we all know the type - pushing people around and driving really agressively.

But one thing i am proud of is that even though i am a fairly quick driver at times i always try to be defensive (and my driving on this occasion was still defensive) - and i normally let people in/out especially if they are simply waiting and not trying to force other drivers out of the way. So in your example you would probably find that I would have been the one to let you out.

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