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Funny things seen at a petrol station...


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What funny things have you seen at a petrol station?

One of the funniest things I've seen is a woman filling up her car, so intent on watching the delivery counter she didn't notice she was pissing fuel all over the side of the car and herself. A couple of us had to shout at her to watch what she was doing.

Her excuse - "I was busy trying to get £40 worth of fuel in the car".

I suppose almost as amusing was watching a young copper pull up in a Ford KA and try to lecture a guy filling up his car while everyone else was grinning (how can you take a copper in a Ford KA seriously)?

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The funniest thing i've seen was when I was on my way to Birmingham on the A45.

We were about 5 miles away from the city in the middle of no where, when this taxi drove in.

Out jumped 6 young blokes, they all piled into the shop, when they were in the queue, the taxi floored it out of there leaving them stranded smirk.gif

The look on their faces was a picture grin.gif

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Not sure about the funniest thing, but a quite funny thing was a young guy about 17 in a big Merc who kept walking round the car, I was filling up my car, and watched him for a few minutes, he kept walking round and round, opening doors, boot etc.

I went in and paid, when I came back out he was still looking round the car - looked really suspicous too, like he had just robbed the car and was stripping it of valuables!

Then he spoke to me in a very plummy voice and said 'I say, you wouldn't know how to open the petrol flap on this car would you, its my daddies'.

When I looked at the flap, it had a bulge at the back, so I just stuck my finger in and pulled the flap open !!

The guy congratulated me like I'd just run a 4 minute mile :-)

Just goes to prove, posh people and brains eh :-)


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I work in a petrol station (well, manager of 2 for my sins), so i can assure you, i have seen some wierd and truly wonderful things in my 20 months there. Some favourites include...

Wet an rainy day, fule tanker busy pumping away. This site is fairly small and in a residential area in Harrogate. Theres a plastic speed bump on the entrance. This guy in a '05 reg BMW M3 comes tearing into the entrace, hits the nice and slippy speed bump, loses control and slams into the cab of the tanker. Walks casually into the shop as if nothings happened and says "Oops"

I've also had one pump reversed into 3 times in one day. Can tell why most people in Seacroft are on benifits...

Again at Harrogate, some liitle scally using the only pump out of my view. He fills a can, jumps on his bike and pedals away like mad, hits the affore mentioned perilous speed bump, falls off and does a runner, leaving bike, petrol and wallet containing I.D. Ha! Justice the_finger.gif

We've also had cars reversing into each other, people pissing diesel all over themselves and not notice, a pickup truck with a 15 gallan barrel of red diesel spill it's load and split the drum and trucks hitting canopy(spelling!?)

BTW, hi all!

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I used to work on a BP forecourt with a fairly vicious gradient. Add a layer of snow and the requisite film of diesel, and things got very slippery. I remember a middle-aged woman in a Nova filling-up, paying and then attempting to leave the forecourt (uphill) in first. On discovering the lack of traction, she floored it, slowly polishing two ice tracks into the snow and filling my forecourt with exhaust gases and screaming Vauxhall 4-cyl noise. She got about half-way up, then the car gracefully pirhouetted and ended up where it had started but turned through 180 degrees. I calmly walked out to her, took the keys, three-pointed the Nova between the pumps and drove it off the forecourt in 2nd/3rd with barely a slip. I'll never forget the look on her face!

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I saw this just three minutes ago ! Some dippy woman in a brand spanking new Audi (one of the big ugly ones) drives into the carwash but because she is so stupid, she does not notice the right front wheel is up on the rails. I watched the car wash move onto the car but it did not stop until it had crunched the front bumper. I thought the sensors would pick that up but she was at an odd angle. She sat in the car wondering why it had stopped and then went into the station to berate the attendant about the useless car wash. When she was shown what she had done she looked horror stricken. Daft cow.


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many many aerials ripped off in car washes (dont use them myself though) - thats soooo funny to watch...

On a more k1nky note, i always seem to get a good shot of women going commando getting out of 4x4's or low slung sports cars..... Does help if im in the Starion or MX-5 and then im low too shocked.gif169144-ok.gif

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On a more k1nky note, i always seem to get a good shot of women going commando getting out of 4x4's or low slung sports cars..... Does help if im in the Starion or MX-5 and then im low too shocked.gif169144-ok.gif

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Been parked at petrol station with binoculars since 6am hehehe


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i always seem to get a good shot of women going commando getting out of 4x4's or low slung sports cars..... Does help if im in the Starion or MX-5 and then im low too shocked.gif169144-ok.gif

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Are we organising a meet at your local petrol station then mate? Sounds like a plan to me! ECLIPSe.gif

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Saw something that made me chuckle.

In a Shell petrol station forecourt in Kings Lynn last November, me and a mate had just pulled in and were about to exit our car, when this chap pulled in next to us – in a gleaming Vauxhall Calibra, which he had just had a set of those Lambo style doors fitted, he looked really pleased with himself as he undid the handle and the doors “wooshed" into the air!

He also had the standard small blonde girlfriend in the passenger seat and he thought he was the dogs nads!

But everyone wasn’t looking at his car, they were looking at ours, ‘cos when we got out we had Lambo style doors on ours too, as well as the words Countach written on the boot!!!!

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But everyone wasn’t looking at his car, they were looking at ours, ‘cos when we got out we had Lambo style doors on ours too, as well as the words Countach written on the boot!!!!

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And I bet he looked across and thought "Bah. Wanna-bes, copying my car's style...". Way to rain on his parade 169144-ok.gif

Oh, and welcome to TSN beerchug.gif

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Hi sayerbloke

No actually he was quite a nice bloke and was proud of his motor, though he had 2.0Turbo unit and had tweaked it to 200+ bhp and in ours we'd got a 5.2 48v V12 pushing out 470+ bhp, but then again on price we could have got 22 of his for one of ours.

I've driven this car into loads of forecourts recently and people will do almost anything to get a look at it, one guy even abandoned his own car in the exit with engine running and ran back on foot to look at it!

Though driving it's still better than looking at it...

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I only saw it on the news but about 12 years ago i was in the US on holiday, I've been a few times so I can't remember if it was Las Vegas or orlando.

A woman pilot was being prosecuted for flying her helicopter into a petrol station, landing, calmly getting out and filling it up then paying and flying off EEK2.GIF

They showed the forecourt video on the TV, she was a very good pilot, she hovered it about a foot off the ground then flew sideways landing next to the pump, on the video you could see the rotors were only about 2 feet from the pipes that feed the pump. she was found guilty and had her licence taken away. bike.thumb.gif

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