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Booked in for Revo 2mo....


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sorry guys, been testing the revo as much as i can but when ive got a 2 year old son to look after time is hard to find.

Anyway so far so good. my R has more torque without a doubt and seems to throw you back in your seat more too. Being able to alter the throttle sensitivity is handy as you can get rid of the DBW lag and have instant reactions to you touching the pedal. had some troubles loading the revo program as my ECU wouldnt take it for some reason. in the end the program had to be loaded at a very slow rate.

il be having a rollling road either this weekend or next weekend and will have some official figures and my dealer will set my R up fully for me.

im going to do a run with the revo then switch it back to stock for another run for some comparison.

the anti theft is bloody clever. enable it and you will not drive the car away. mine started but as soon as you press the throttle the engine cuts out. At least i know if i leave my car anywhere its not going to be drien away by some thief.

so keep an eye out i will post dyno readouts as soon as i get them, hopefully this weekend depending if i go away or not.

ive also got a blueflame cat back zorst to go on so i plan to do a further run to see power gains with revo and a cat back system.

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Glad to hear your enjoying the Revo, I love mine!!! The Anti thieft is great, good idea if your leaving it at the airport for a week or so, (or anywhere dodgy) Problems is, now i've had the zorst and Revo done i think i'm catching the modding bug!! time to slam it on the floor....

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I had the exhaust fitted before the Revo, the only thing I noticed with the exhaust was obviously the noise which kinda makes it feel faster... Other than that the revs may have held longer when coming off the throttle. But, when the setting are boosted right up on the SPS3 the torque you get is an amazing transformation and throttle response may be too sensitive when you on bumpy roads in a low gear but hey I like it that way!!!!

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i'm running 5 6 6

5 = DBW (throttle) setting - anything higher, car is too twitchy from gas pedal inputs, would be great for auto crossing but not for daily driving, for me anyway

the last digit 6 is timing setting and don't know if the UK revo settings are different as your MAF is slightly smaller than our US version and your gas is rated different than ours for octane, but here in US Revo indicates 6 is for 93 octane (your 98) and the higher numbers for higher octane, so the 9 would be for 100+ (maybe 110 in your octane rating system?)

redeckedR32 - are you running 110 octane?

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