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I so need to find one for a photo opportunity with my cab meet plates grin.gifyelrotflmao.gif

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Could always come and arrest the bimbo that parked next to mine this morning.

On the other side had an M3 Cab whose lady driver was almost smashing it to pieces trying to fit her double buggy in the boot..... suicide.gif

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what is that badge on the 1.gif I don't know anything about them apart from them being dung.gif, is it a 120? what does that mean? 1.2 engine??????? confused.gif

Lets get those stickers done. openfire.gif

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No it's a 1 series with a 2.0L engine - like a 323 is a Mazdz in old money or a 3 series with a 2.3L engine.

BTW if you rearrange some of the letters on Durrsakus photo on the reg plate (with a little bit of poetic licence) you get the true 1-series name - TURD! 1.gif

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... never mind the 1 or 3 series.

You need to start parking between the lines. sportifs2.gifslap.giftongue.gif

At least they haven't taken up two spaces... they have kept their distance, bet they though bloody Audi drivers tut tut.

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There is a fine line between parking and abandoning..... cool.gif

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And one day it will piss someone off so much that you have taken up two spaces that they will batter you car. I have seen it happen.

We were all trying to find a space and the place was rammed, we were looking for about 20 mins and going round and round the car park. There was myself, a guy in a Izuzu Trooper and someone in front of him in an XKR convertible. As we came up to the top floor again 2 cars pulled out together and the guy in the Jag parked over the line taking up both spaces.

As he got out the guy in the Trooper asked if he we be good enough to move over, to which the guy in the Jag replied "nah sorry mate, always park over two spaces to stop w4nkers banging into my car!" and said it as he was walking away.

As we drove round the corner there were a couple more spaces, we both parked up and laughed at what a tosser this guy was. When I got back to my car there was a note on my windscreen which read "Not enough to make a claim worthwhile! Haha!"

Went over and had a look at his car and on both doors someone had keyed the wording "I take up two spaces so w4nkers don't prang my car!"


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Went over and had a look at his car and on both doors someone had keyed the wording "I take up two spaces so w4nkers don't prang my car!"


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Am I the only one who doesn't find that funny? crazy.gif

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No Milo, I'm with you.....Jag driver sounds a prat but......don't like the response style. NONO3.GIF Must be getting old ... UHOH7.GIF

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I wouldn't have done that, although I'd be thinking about doing something. I've never once damaged anyones car.

The worst I've done was put flour all over a windscreen of someone who knocked me over on my bike once. The next day I could tell he'd had a problem getting it off.

I'd not want to go back into that car park should the Jag driver remember his face mind!

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Total prat in the Jag but doubtless the claim to respray his car will be another contribution to everyones insurance rising. Chances are if he has a Jag he can afford the increasing premiums more than most! frown.gif

Doesn't matter where I park. Even if 353 places are free on Asda car park I always get the 4x4 with the housewife and four kids parking next to me. Guess its difficult to gauge the white lines of the parking bay from such a great height!!

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It was the guys attitude that stank, if he had said "I always get my doors dinged, but if there are no more spaces further down I will move over" fair enough.

It was the way he basically called the guy in the Jeep a w4nker to his face whilst not even looking at him.

Not many people make my blood boil, but he did, and therefore, yeah, it was funny.

I actually have some stickers made up from barcode labels we use at work, as I get so annoyed with selfish parking outside our shop and they read....

When parking try and

think of others,

and use 1 space

rather than 3.

Polite but with a hint of sarcasm, but it gets people thinking, and it does work, there was always a car that would sit right across 2 spaces 9lengthways) outside our shop and be there all afternoon, and when there are only 5 spaces it can be annoying, I left one on her windscreen and now she parks just using one space everytime.

I guess it depends where you live, but when you have permits and it takes you 30 mins plus some nights to find a space parking, more so selfish/poo parking, becomes annoying.

But so does coming back to a car with pushchair scrapes down the side of your door, a no win situation.

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I think in this instance i better explain that this is a pub car park area designated by the council for parents to drop off their kids. Having said i would like to clarify that between my car and the M3 is big plastic trolley bin wright back at the wall hence my car is not parallelled parked to the lines. But as dropping off area i am particularly careful to park close to other cars as it would be incosiderate to other mum's or dad's who have got lots of kids to park right next to them when everybody needs the extra space to get a buggy in and out. Nevermind about the damage that could be caused to your car when little kids just fling the car's doors wide opened. smirk.gif

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I'm not denying the guy's attitude was dung.gif - he sounded like a right 4rse.

I just don't think possession of a dung.gif attitude warrants someone causing several thousand pounds worth of damage to his car.

My "2 space" parking is always done in areas where it doesn't affect anyone else e.g. far corners of supermarket car parks or the top level of a multi storey where no-one wants to park because it's not next to the shops.

If you "2 space" parked in any car park where you pay then you would be ticketed as you have taken 2 spaces and only paid for one. Given that you have to pay for the majority of car parking these days the opportunities to do it are seldom.

That said if I caught someone engraving a message on my car because they disliked my attitude I would take equal pleasure carving one into his forehead with a Philips screwdriver. wink.gif

edit - my rear doors are both on childlocks; partly for the kids' safety but partly to stop them opening the door onto someone elses car. I would be as gutted if they did that as if someone did it to me.

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