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Supaguard or Diamondbrite?


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Just negotiated a trade in at my local Audi stealer and as part of the deal managed to get either Supaguard or Diamondbrite applied for £150.

My current A3 has Supaguard which has been pretty good but the stealers have just changed to Diamondbrite and are plugging this as the better option (possibly more mark-up?!!)

Can anyone recommend which is better? I plan to keep the new car for two to three years max and normally wash my car about every week to a fortnight. Cheers confused.gif

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Okay, well Supagard is totally no nonsense ad will last you the three years that you will keep your car. the fact that you don't have to do anything with it is it's biggest selling point.

Diamondbrite needs to be washed with a wash addative - which is pretty no nonsense. But will last for 6 years which will make it a selling point when you sell your car as the warantee will still have 3 years to run.

There is no real difference in performance or finish. Both good.

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I don't post much in this section (I just read and heed the advice) but I must say:-

You seem like a top bloke, load of knowledge and constantly answering questions that due to your work you are well qualified to do.

Well done mate and thanks, teacher of all things bright, shiney, polished, waxed, buffed, clay barred, glossed and top coated.

Keep up the good work fella 169144-ok.gif

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i have my car diamondbrited and allowing for driving Danny here crazy with some of my questions i agree it is a good easy product. wash with their shampoo, add the additive to the final rinse bucket once a month and a year down the line the car still looks polished.

I have had contact with the Diamondbrite customer services and within 2 days the area rep was round so all in all a good company.

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