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base ball cap wearing greb


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hello people

my neighbour came over this morning and asked me what i was doing at 4.00am fri/sat morning looking at my car with a baseball cap/shorts and tshirt on. obviously not me so am a bit on edge now i have just had clifford anti jacking fitted and had stopped parking my van in front of the drive but have gone back to doing this now as an added deterent. what p*sses me off is that they creep round at that time of the morning looking for oportunistic thefts from people who work f***ing hard for there property. i hope they all meet with there just deserves (that is the politeset way i can think of putting it). sorry if i have posted in the wrong section but there is a bit of red mist at the moment and i had better not catch the scum snooping round. smashfreakB.gifsmashfreakB.gifsmashfreakB.gifsmashfreakB.gifsmashfreakB.gifsmashfreakB.gifsmashfreakB.gifsmashfreakB.gifsmashfreakB.gifsmashfreakB.gifsmashfreakB.gifsmashfreakB.gif

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in texas it's legal to defend your property with a firearm, even if they are getting away (ie going away) and not a threat to life

few years back, a repossession agent driving a tow truck and had just hooked up a car for the bank and was speeding away

owner jumped into another car and gave chase and few blocks away shot the driver of the tow truck killing him

no charges were filed

that's the extreme, but it sure sends a message

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Hi Dazr32,

I feel very much as you do & am thinking again about the Clifford Blackjax (which I assume is what you have). Your impressions of this unit would be appreciated. Have heard stories about reliability etc & the scenario of it going wrong & being stuck with the car unable to be started!

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You make sure you hang on to you baby mate.

Have you thought about the chance it was just a passinig pi$$ed up youth who likes nice cars, spotted yours and gave it a quick look out of admiration?

Probably not, just trying to help you sleep better tonight.

Don't forget theives hate light, so make sure you get a nice fat 500W flood pointing down at the car. (Of course always remember to protect the neighbours from any glare by covering the sides).

Good luck with it. 169144-ok.gif

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thanks for the replies people

as far as the system goes (blackjax) i cannot fault it at the moment ,mind you i have only had it a couple of weeks now and it has had me already. got to the end of the road all hell broke loose and in my desperation to shut it up i put the wrong code in but it eventually shut up and i put the correct one in but it does work very well.the car does not even get a quarter of a mile before cutting out, just what i was looking for. to be honest the bloke that fitted it tried to sell me tracker instead but i would not want the car back if it had been driven very hard for god knows how long before it was recovered, whereas this system means the car does not get very far at all which means self recovery is very easy ,unless they really want it in which case it would have to be taken on a low loader.

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I've got one in the car (6 x cell) for emergency use, It got a little bit of tape round the battery screw cover just to make sure they don't fall out if it ever has to be moved around quickly!

(like lighting up the North Circular road should a jumbo ever need to make a quick landing!)


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Don't know but I do know that they aren't much more if you want to go down that route. I figured that you could have it linked to an old VCR with long play, just recording on a loop.

The point is this kind of technology is so affordable these days it's worth looking into. Even tiny digital 'lipstick' cameras with motion detectors that link your your PC are affordable. 169144-ok.gif

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