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Open Bonnets


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On Saturday, driving out of London up Hendon Way, there was a serious fire by the Midland Mainline/PC World/Staples Corner/North Circ/Brent Cross/A5/M1.

There was a huge amount of old wood stored there (for some reason) and has been for the last 20 yrs. Each time I have been past it, I have wondered when it will go up in flames.

Well, Saturday it did. And the chuffing chaos was UNBELIEVABLE. North Circ closed, A5 at the M1 junction closed, shops emptied. Made a right mess of the roads. Bus drivers did not help by blocking junctions sportifs2.gifthe_finger.gif and then unable to move.

Took an extra 90 mins to get home.

And there were so many open bonnets of the overheated cars - making the traffic worse!

People must drive round with water in the cars, rather than coollant? smashfreakB.gif

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There was one on the fields of wheat behind Morrisons the other week - really massive (an entire huge field's worth of fire) that you could hear from about half a mile away.

The quickest way back from there to my house is on a country road (which goes more or less next to the field that was alight) and I was pootling along at 60, then had to come to a sudden stop because about 30 cars were parked on the other side of the road watching it, and about 5 fire engines were trying to get through.

Why watch a feckin' fire...I mean it's a fire for christs sake...is there anything really that special about it that you need to stop, park up, get out of your car and just take a good long look at it?

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I've often looked at that pile too & wondered the very same. Haven't been into town for a week or so, so luckily I missed al the chaos. If so many of us had spotted it & thought, ooh, that looks like it would cause chaos if it were to go up, why didn't the local fire officer?


Edit: I've just read the BBC report in full, and I love the quote of pure genius by some bright spark (pun intended):


London Fire Brigade warned the public to take care with naked flames during the dry, hot weather.

[/ QUOTE ]


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