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She`s back.....


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Got the 8 back from my gearbox people today,all fixed... 169144-ok.gif

As you know some mofo trader grounded her out and damaged the box(leaking fluid every where).

Anyway damage was not that serious as first thought,where he had grounded the sump out it had pushed the back of the box into the tunnel and stretched the bolts that hold the box together.This inturn made the gasket leak,which is where all the oil was coming from.

So he replaced the gasket(not a easy job)and refilled the box.Shes running sweet again now and nearly ready for selling!

Dont know if to get the head gasket fixed or just sell her as is...confused.gif

Anyway she back and im only £200 out of pocket(better than £1500 that i was expecting).


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Tbh i cant sell her if theres something wrong with her,ive bought cars with problems(like the A8)and was well p%ssed off,so could not do that to someone else.

And yes she is up for sale as soon as ive had the work done and new MOT sorted,so if anyones interested in her then pm me and ill let you have her for a bargain... 169144-ok.gif


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That was the million dollar question m8... znaika.gif

Well when the mofo stealer broke me motor i had to buy a cheapy motor to run around in,so im keeping that for the mo.

Its a ford by the way, ST200.Had one before the 8 and found them a nice SMALL car... jump.gif

Tbh my 8 has put me off buying another Audi for the mo,but who knows maybe when i win the lottery again ill buy another. 169144-ok.gif

Anyway remember if your looking for a A8 with loadsa money spent on it for little money give me a shout... beerchug.gif


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Out of interest, how are the quad zorsts holding up? Was it you who had the problems with one of the brackets??

Long-term i'm considering an exhaust upgrade, but am undecided whether to go for the LPS Cobra conversion, so something simpler (like a Mitek).

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Out of interest, how are the quad zorsts holding up? Was it you who had the problems with one of the brackets??

Long-term i'm considering an exhaust upgrade, but am undecided whether to go for the LPS Cobra conversion, so something simpler (like a Mitek).

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Qauds are great m8,went back to LPS to have a bracket fixed that had broke when i grounded the rear of the car on a curb.

Took stevo 20 mins to fix.. 169144-ok.gif

Tbh m8 id have the quads anyday over the miltek system,for one the quad sounds better imo only,plus well lets face it just look at the back of that.....


The miltek look....


I know which one i would go for... znaika.gif


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