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London police gone Yank


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Sounds like they are the same. The Jankel website says that they are a "Guardian Armoured Multi-Role Law Enforcement Vehicle"

I believe the police station that they are parked outside does specialise in that sort of thing.

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Yeeahh but I just like how that Ford everything-proof truck looks. It's the kind of truck that EVERYONE in the US owns. By law or something. You see 'em on movies all the time.

They just look so 'ard.

Don't get me wrong, hummers look well 'ard too - but I've seen more been blinged up with 24" spinning trims on and that kinda crap than I have looking cool as fook (I'm not counting the ones that have massive guns on top of 'em)

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It's the kind of truck that EVERYONE in the US owns. By law or something. You see 'em on movies all the time.

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Yeah, it doesn't have to be the Ford. Dodge do a nice range in them, too. Annoyingly, the Ford ones do look good though, I grant you.

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I'm not sure that's what their purpose is...

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Based on the Sunday Times article.


S019 commanders also sent armed teams onto the streets of London in four Jankel armoured vehicles, bought by Scotland Yard last year for this eventuality. The vehicles are designed to protect their passengers from the impact of a suicide bomb blast.

Inside each vehicle were marksmen and women from the elite 72-man cadre of Specialist Firearms Officers (SFOs). The SFOs are divided into six teams of 12 which have been given different colour-coded names.

They are armed with Glock pistols, Heckler & Koch MP5 semi-automatic machineguns and G3 short-barreled rifles, which are small enough to be carried discreetly in a shoulder holsters. The rifles, equipped with “red dot” sights, use “frangible” ammunition that releases all its energy in the target’s body, instead of passing through it and endangering nearby civilians.

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