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Inconsiderate bastards


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Why is it that all the inconsiderate bastards decide to come and work on the neighbours homes. Every pissing morning the tossers decide to park in front of my drive, even though it's lowered. Meaning I have to ask them to shift their van when I want to go out. Why do builders have the consideration of a pissed off lobotomised gibbon?

****ers. mad.gif

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Its down to your lazy neighbours not making sure that there is parking blocked off outside their house.

The builders will argue material delivery and access to the mobile tool box. Being fair, some builders do have plenty that they need continous access to from the van, when working on a job.

What they are doing is taking the p155, have a word with the neighbours and get them to make a space either by putting bins out or simply parking there car outside and moving it when the builders turn up.

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The builders will argue material delivery and access to the mobile tool box. Being fair, some builders do have plenty that they need continous access to from the van, when working on a job.

[/ QUOTE ]

The thing is, once they park there the only time they use it again is to go home. They moan and whinge when I ask them to move, but its a lowered kerb that I paid to have done so I could use it! The neighbours seem innoramous tossers too, both of then driving big cars and not moving them. They haven't took the hint with the loud bang on the door I give when I ask them to tell em to "Shift it!" in a rather pissed off voice.

Sugar in petrol tank time?

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Take a days holiday, get up early and park over the entrance to their drive. I would then go back to bed with earplugs in.

When you do eventually answer the door, tell them you've been drinking and they'll have to wait before you've sobered up before you can move your car.

That's probably not a good idea.

My father-in-law lives very near to a hospital. They are constantly plagued with staff and visitors who park over the entrance to their drive. Both him and his neighbours usually get up early to park on the road to stop this from happening. One morning after he had done this he went out for a paper and when he came back, someone had parked over the entrance to his drive so he couldn't get back on. His next door neighbour and him then proceeded to park their cars an inch either end of the fecker, locked their cars up and went out for the day!

They came home late afternoon and all the cars were still there. At about 8 in the evening a sheepish woman knocked on the door asking if they knew who the 2 cars belonged to. Apparently she had went back to her car at about 4 and found she was blocked in. After waiting half an hour she had to ring her husband who came to pick her up. He then had to give her a lift back later on to see if she could get her car back!

She knew what she had done and apologised profusely; her husband apparently wasn't prepared to kick up a stink because he could see she had parked like a right tw4t.

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I like that a lot 169144-ok.gif

I have had similar problems in the past but nothing like as bad. I live on a street of large terrace houses and everyone has at least 1 car per house so its obvious there isn't enough space. However I am one of the only houses in the street to have a garage with it.

The first day I moved into the house I woke up in the morning to go to work to find some had blocked my drive. So early morning meeting cancelled and at just before 9am a woman came and loaded her kids into the car. Gave her a right mouthful, not swearing but how much of a brainless selfish idiot she was. She didn't even look to see if there was a car in the garage, some people just don't think. Needless to say she didn't do it again.

I now have a few notices on the garage which helps, I still get people trying to block the edges of the drive and I then leave a note on their screen to politely as them not to block the drive. Again they don't do it again, its a dropped kerb.

I think as far as the law goes I was told that you have a right of access to your propertly that a dropped kerb gives you, and blocking your drive is an offence. See what A_S has to say but maybe you need to get serious with them if they don't want to help you with the problem. They will soon sort things out then, but I would say thats a last step. 169144-ok.gif

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I live next to a chip shop and get this problem every night its open. There is always someone parked over my drive even though 100 yards down the road there is 2 huge carparks Not only that there is room for at least 6 cars directly outside the shop. But without fail some twat will park over my drive. Now have to resort to calling the local policeman as The shop owner gets verbaly abusive and agresive if you ask any of his customers to shift.

At least i know where the rumour was started that he was going to be ram raided started. Cost him thousands so far protecting his precious shop. FIREdevil.gif

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