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Maserati 4200 Spyder Cambiocorsa


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I've seen one of these tonight. Travelling with a very deep rumble from the exhausts, hood down, metallic blue with cream leather interior.

It sounded lovely, looked utterly stunning and turned almost every head it drove past.

What do we think to them?

Was it insurance_jon who had one as a courtesy car for a while?

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A mate of mine has just got rid of his 4.2 CC Coupe, not something I'd personally consider buying but never the less an awesome bit of kit

About 10mpg and an occasional rattle from the engine was enough for him to get rid though

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About 10mpg and an occasional rattle from the engine was enough for him to get rid though

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Ouch at 10mpg!

Evo describe the engine as glorious and the only thing they seem to criticise is an overly sharp turn-in on the steering.

I don't think I'd fancy one day to day with 10mpg though!

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I looked at having one of these. Very tempting. Looks a million dollars, pulls like a train.

BUT .... handling is not what it could be; the huge V8 out front in what is quite a small car makes it feel wrong. The engine makes a fantastic noise, yes, but it still makes a racket at idle. Which is tiring. The soft top is oddly shaped which means the wind noise at speed with the hood up is irritating.

Then there are the ownership issues - I only had it for a free 4 day test drive so didn't measure mpg. What I did look at was the dealer's stock list showing 6 month old ex demos for £20k+ below list. Ouch.

And why was Maserati willing to offer me (and all comers) such a long test drive? And why were they willing to give me a free track day in one of their cars? Very grateful, guys, but it's probably because no-one is buying your cars. And why is that, I wonder? Perhaps they came to the same conclusion as me?

Anyway, the upshot was I smlove2.gif my 911 wink.gif

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I'd have one. Because they are different, and look damn fine. In my eyes, better than any other in that segment. Heart rules, when it comes to that sort of car.

10mpg? I could get that from my A8 4.2QS when pushing on. On a good day, when cruising, I would get just over double that.

Yep, big old drop on list - so buy a second hand one. Bargain.

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I'd have to say the car really did look stunning and whilst I know the point Patently is making it's hard to criticise a dealer for offer a 4 day test drive and a free track day!

Have to say I was very impressed indeed. It was one of the classiest looking motors I've seen on the roads in a long time.

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whilst I know the point Patently is making it's hard to criticise a dealer for offer a 4 day test drive and a free track day!

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Criticise? Certainly not .... wink.gif I was very grateful indeed cool.gif

But if it was meant to persuade me to buy the car, it didn't work! yelrotflmao.gif

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