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Xbox 360.. so were all the leaks planned ?


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If you look at this like Xbox 360 leak photo story it appears that many of the leakes might just have been organised by microsoft.

I must say I am suprised at the use of all of the Apple kit for developers. And it seems they might have been a little naughty with all the demos that they have shown, am sure they all do it.

Can't wait to see both of the consoles go head to head. Most of the figures that have been released are propaganda. MS think theirs is the fastest but then I see another site that shows the PS3 will easily be the daddy....

Time will tell, I can't wait. 169144-ok.gif

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Id say its all planned leaks.

Look at E3 recently, M$ put in a low profile showing, real games (albeit on alpha platforms based on Macs), which looked nowhere near as good as they will when they are released, whereas Sony went for stunning visuals, which, seem to have been just pre-rendered graphics.

M$ seem to be teasing the market, ready to slap everyone round the face with an awesome console when THEY are ready, whereas Sony are trying to be bigger, brasher than M$ to counter what M$ are doing.

This is going to be the best time to be a console owner, Sony have everything to lose/gain from this, and M$ seem to have a good plan themselves, so its going to be all out console war.

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