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Easiest place to pick up power ?

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I don't think you'll get it from the radio. All recent radios use a permanent 12V supply, with power on/off sent as commands over CAN bus.

On the A6/RS6 there are a series of relays mounted above the driver's knees - one of those has an ignition-switched 12V supply, easily accesible on a screw stud terminal. I don't know whether the A4 will have a similar arrangement.

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Fuse boxes are your friend!.

Get a multimeter and touch the top of each fuse to see which ones are ignition switched. Then (this obviously isn't the best way to do things but it's the method I always use because you can easily remove any trace of DIY mods incase you break something) take the fuse out, wrap your connection around it, then plug the fuse back in.

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