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46" plasma


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I have had a Panasonic 42" plasma that is on atleast 12 hours a day, most days 16-18 hours and sometimes 24 hours a day. I've had it nearly 5 years now and it hasn't let me down once.

On the other hand, I know of people that have had a plasma die completely within 6 months.

There is unfortunately no rule - it's the same with all electronic hardware, sometimes you get lucky sometimes you don't. I've had TV's that have literally blown up 1 day after the 12 month warranty, and other ones that are still going strong after 9 years (such as my 28" Sony Trinitron that's now in the conservatory and subjected to extremes of cold and heat depending on the season).

So unfortunately DHA, there is no definite answer. I would recommend the extended warranty unless you can afford to buy a new one if it dies. Plasma repair is hideously expensive as it has to be done in a dust free lab, you can't just pop down to your local tv repair centre.

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There are 3 at work that are setup to be touch screen, The only 3 in the UK in fact. Oh and one of them has just failed! 2 are in constant use, now we have no spare! Happy days.

[/ QUOTE ]

shocked.gif and if another one goes, what won't you be able to see ? I'm guesing in your line of biz its probably quite important !

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They control the lighting on the airfield at night. We need two of them as there are two ground control positions and these need a lighting operator to input the routings. If we shut one of these then there will be muchos delays as one person can't really handle a movement rate of 100 aircraft per hour.

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