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Road angel hard wire.

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NO be careful - the cig-lighter fitting often has a transformer built it which takes the car supplied 12volt down to 5volts or something similar. The way I do it is to get a cigarette lighter socket (from Maplin), solder a wire from this to the fuse, then I can hide this behind the dash and plug the cigarette lighter adaptor in to it as normal, but out of sight. Also means that should I want to remove/sell whatever accessory it is, I haven't hacked the wire off the end.

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the ciggy lighter in an Audi is always on!!! DO NOT tkae it from this as it is not a switched feed and your RA will be on all the time, unless you manually switch it off (ball ache!)

Open the drivers door and take the fuse box cover from off the side of the dash.

Locate fuse 5 (ign switched) and pop the wire on there.

Ground your earth cable on one of the studs / earth location

Pop back together and away you go!! 5 min job.....


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the ciggy lighter in an Audi is always on!!! DO NOT tkae it from this as it is not a switched feed and your RA will be on all the time, unless you manually switch it off (ball ache!)

Open the drivers door and take the fuse box cover from off the side of the dash.

Locate fuse 5 (ign switched)<font color="red"> and pop the wire on there.</font>

Ground your earth cable on one of the studs / earth location

Pop back together and away you go!! 5 min job.....


[/ QUOTE ]

Do you mean just wedge the wire in with the fuse ?

Or do you have to take out the fuse box and connect at the back ?

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Its up to you!! I have taken the fuse holder out (2 screws) and attached to the rear. I had it wedged in before - it makes no difference..... Just MAKE SURE its fused in-line...

I dont know what the RA hardwire cable is like, but if you strip the Ciggy Lighter adaptor down, i think some have a resistor (or similar!?) to reduce the voltage... you may need a proper hardwire kit or you will blow up your unit / pop fuses all day long!! grin.gif

PS - my Snooper came with a cable with in-line fuse..... 169144-ok.gif

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Did It the easy way just jammed the positive(red) in with the fuse and connected the negative/earth(black) to the nearest bolt.Works a treat with the Ignition.


Connected a cig lighter and plugged in the powersupply.There is a nice space above the fuse box to tuck It all in when youv'e finished.


There Is a nice little space to run the power lead If you fit the Tomtom where I have


All done and dusted, me very happy 169144-ok.gif


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  • 1 month later...

Seriously useful post! 169144-ok.gif

Denim, you've made it look that easy that I (the man with fingers like cow's tits! grin.gif) am gonna have a go at installing my sat nav in a similar way when I get in from work tonight.

I've only just got my Audi so have yet to start fiddling with it but just out of interest (and to prevent me making a costly mistake blush.gif) does anyone know if the layout of the fusebox is the same in my motor (2004 A3) as the one in Denim's post and if not can someone point me in the direction of the equivalent fuse I can get a feed off?

Thanks people! laugh.gif

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  • 6 months later...

Just came across this post. It looks like just what I've been looking for, in order to wire my Tom Tom One to my Audi A6.

My concern is that someone said to me that doing it this way is dangerous, and I quote:

"The trouble with jamming a wire in with a fuse is that this could result in a fire through compromising the circuit that the fuse is connected to, remember fuses are a safety device and are rated as per current load."

Wonder what people's opinions are on this?

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Personally I wouldn't wire something up like this - I would prefer to find a feed and tap into it however I see why people would use this method as it keeps both the car's wiring & the appliance intact for warranty/removal purposes.

Regarding the load it is neglibile and fused so this aspect wouldn't worry me

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