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My Aircon is leaking - Anyone took a dash out.


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I had the aircon re-gassed yesterday, and voila, we had a cool car again. This morning, no cooling at all. Warm air again.

Obviously, the gas had escaped.

The plot thickens.

I also noticed the passenger side carpets were wet (right hand drive car), and upon disconnection of the drain hose, it was blocked, and 1 1/2 cups of water came out. It was then i noticed that the water was a flourescent green colour.

I deduced that the condenser was leaking inside the plastic housing (please someone tell me otherwise!).

The question i have is this, i intend to do the work myself, but upon removing the glovebox, it appears that all the 'gubbins' in the way of the extraction of the condensor can be removed without removing the dash. Has anyone experience of this, or any other ideas or advice which can help.

Car is a 95 4.2.

Thanks in advance.

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Never done it but could get you the info to do it. The aic-con people didn't do there job correctly because they should pull a big vacuum to test for leaks before re-gassing.

have you got to take the complete dash out? got a feeling you can take the heater box with out removing the dash.

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Thanks for the reply. The aircon people did stick a vacuum on it for about 10 mins, but noticed no drop, however the green water syndrome in the morning tells me it has leaked into the chamber with the drain tube. If it isn´t the condenser that has died, i´m baffled.

if there is a way to do it without taking the dash out, It would be fantastic!, and if you have any ideas about how to do it, please let me know and i WILL buy you a pint when I see you!!

The biggest issue I have is 38 degrees here in Spain, a metallic ruby A8 with Black leather. Solar Oven!

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Just a thought (albeit a worrying one) - what colour is your engine coolant? Red hopefully...

If I saw flourescent green liquid in the region of the ventilation system my first thought would be a leaking heater matrix. The two Japanese cars I've had regassed had little glass windows on the gas/oil reservoir thingy (when it got low you could see bubbles passing under the glass); the gas/oil was colourless in both cases.

I'd be tempted to go and have a word with the guys that regassed your system. They will be able to tell you whether there is any dye in the gas/oil they put in your car.

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