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I thought this post on uk-mkiv's might be interesting to read as it has a list of a few police models in various area's ... If you know of any near east london, ilford area, please let me know! ...

I was also wondering, if an unmarked police car starts racing you and you decide to play with them, can they still book you even if you don't pass them?? confused.gif

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Because they wouldn’t be able to save lives and keep us on the right side of 100 in panda cars! slap.gif

Top marks to the 2 sneaky police fellas in the very marked dayglo vectra on the M25 near Rickmansworth yesterday afternoon though sekret.gif Quite possibly the best hiding place I have seen. The slip road there loops tightly onto the M25 and they were in a layby on the slip road in a position only visible when you’re alongside them. I dread to think what might have happened if the road was clearer.

Also, remember to look left as you pass slip roads – I always do as a matter of course, and obviously there’s never anything there. But this sat morning I was stuck in the sort of 55-60mph traffic that really wouldn’t be there if people could only just use lanes properly. Finally a car that was holding us up moved over and I was just about to stamp on it and make some progress but just as they were moving over we went past a slip road so I looked left and I was alongside a bloody marked T5 EEK2.GIF

Again, seconds away – I dread to think 169144-ok.gif

Drive safely smile.gif

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The thing about unmarked cars to remember is that not every "unmarked" car is a Traffic Car installed with all the Vascar gear, video equipment etc.

I live close to a Police depot and there's a great number of unmarked cars that have nothing to do with traffic. Also this was really in evidence in central london in July. Unless you see them with traffic officers inside, they may just be using our motorways to well....get around!

I know a lot of the Met cars that senior police officers get ferried around in have the full range of blue-two-ery but doesn't mean they're out stopping motorists.

Great hidden trick for stopping road rage or getting some silly idiot out of the way though. Apparently sekret.gif

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In the ilford area we have many marked 5 series ... looks like the police have too much tax money!

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Well actually, BMW are practically bending over backwards to get Police contracts, they supply the management cars in my area but at present there are none on the fleet.

and before anyone says it, I will NEVER be driving a 1.gif

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The thing about unmarked cars to remember is that not every "unmarked" car is a Traffic Car installed with all the Vascar gear, video equipment etc.

I live close to a Police depot and there's a great number of unmarked cars that have nothing to do with traffic. Also this was really in evidence in central london in July. Unless you see them with traffic officers inside, they may just be using our motorways to well....get around!

I know a lot of the Met cars that senior police officers get ferried around in have the full range of blue-two-ery but doesn't mean they're out stopping motorists.

Great hidden trick for stopping road rage or getting some silly idiot out of the way though. Apparently sekret.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

znaika.gif very true!! we have un,arked cars, and they are perfectly standard, including a CD player ROLLEY~14.GIF just because a car is unmarked, it doesnt mean they are out to stopp speeders, a lot of the time, the reasons are a lot more sekret.gif

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Mate in CID says they have a few odd cars (Nissan 200sx for example), plus the more obvious scoobies, Octavias, T5s etc.. these don't get used for traffic though, so unless you drive like a complete tw4t they won't stop you. He said they also rent dull stuff like astras, 307s etc to look completely anonymous, mind you, they wouldn't be able to chase much in 'em...

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The thing about unmarked cars to remember is that not every "unmarked" car is a Traffic Car installed with all the Vascar gear, video equipment etc.

I live close to a Police depot and there's a great number of unmarked cars that have nothing to do with traffic. Also this was really in evidence in central london in July. Unless you see them with traffic officers inside, they may just be using our motorways to well....get around!

I know a lot of the Met cars that senior police officers get ferried around in have the full range of blue-two-ery but doesn't mean they're out stopping motorists.

Great hidden trick for stopping road rage or getting some silly idiot out of the way though. Apparently sekret.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

znaika.gif very true!! we have un,arked cars, and they are perfectly standard, including a CD player ROLLEY~14.GIF just because a car is unmarked, it doesnt mean they are out to stopp speeders, a lot of the time, the reasons are a lot more sekret.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

like 306's sneaking off for a game of golf jump.gif

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