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Gearbox trouble on S8? Help!


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Hi, just picked up a 98 S8 (had A8 before), anyway, gave it a good burn up on the way home, almost home and tryed to give it some round a corner on a slight up hill gradient and the thing juddered like mad and no power to the wheels. Seems to do it when going round corners, but not so bad on the straight. Can't beleive it! So- any idea's????? help !!!

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Hi, no noises what-so-ever, just this awful clunking, which seems to be intermittent. After it did it the first time, (and after I nearly puked my gets up into the side of the road - new box £3000 right!!!), I drove it steady then nailed it on the straight and it was fine..... it then did it agin whne I gave it a little on a bend going up hill on a bumpyish road.... its done 140,000 miles but the engine seems fantastic... just been reading some old posts, could it be the filter etc and whats this all about the MAF ?

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The usual cause of gearbox issues is lack of maintainence of the gearbox. It should have a fuluid and filter change as part of a 40,000? service. The first port of call is to do the gearbox service and try it and see.

The general rule of thumb seems to be if you havent lost a gear then the service may save you a hefty bill.

You want to be looking at getting it done and checked for fault codes by an Audi dealer or specialist ASAP. The procedur is detailed on audipages.com if you are handy with a spanner beerchug.gif

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My local Audi Specialist did mine for me, so I cant really comment on how hard the job is.

If you ask to get it booked in somewhere make it clear that you want them to drain as much fluid as possible and replace the filter, they can do a quick flush of draining some old oil off and topping back up with fresh oil but this only replaces around 3 litres and by the time that has mixed back in with the old oil you may as well not have bothered. If I remember correctly the gearbox capacity is about 9 litres so its a case of getting as much as possible, my garage managed 6 litres.

As far as I know the procedure for an A8 or an S8 is exactly the same.

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If you are trying really hard to "give it some" whilst cornering, uphill on a bumpy road.....it may just be the traction control doing what it is supposed to do - because apart from deciding how much power goes to each wheel - it also retards the ignition timing by about 20 degrees (which can feel like you've blown your engine up!). Try switching off ESP and going around the same corner....but BE CAREFULL!

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RES = Resume function on cruise control. Move to this position briefly to resume a previously set speed. If held it will raise the set speed and cause the car to accelerate. Push the button on the end of the LH stalk to decelerate. To switch cruise off move the switch on the LH stalk away from the RES position until it clicks and stays there.

ESP should be in the group of push buttons to the right of the hazard warning lights button, immediately below the three central air vents on the fascia. From memory the buttons on the are (from left to right):

Hazard Warning Lights on/off


Sunblind raise/lower

Rear headrests raise/lower

ESP on/off


Driver's Seat Heating Control

So if you have a blank immediately to the left of your driver's heated seat control you don't have ESP.

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Let's hope it's low ATF then!

A fluid & filter change is the usual prescription for gearbox woes, and it seems to cure most of them. However, experience on this forum suggests that the local Audi stealer may not be the best place to have it done - in addition to wanting to charge an arm and a leg they often don't seem to have much of an idea about what to do.

Have a look at PaulW's comprehensive instructions and decide if it's something you want to do yourself. If not then perhaps take the instructions to a trustworthy mechanic or garage and ask them to follow the procedure.

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It sounds like a clutch pack issue to me, that's what you are feeling.

A fluid change might or might not make it better, but unless you want to go into the tranny for repairs, I would do the fluid and filter change.

One of these days I'll post a bunch of pictures of the failed components in the tranny, they are essentially wear components.

Good luck!

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Talking of gearboxes, i had a letter from the local stealers saying that the S8 was approaching 40000 miles and requires a gearbox oil and filter change,

so i phoned up and because they know me there advice was there's no need on my car because it's got a triptronic gearbox so it's sealed for life, a multitronic however needs oil and filter change every 40000

call me stupid but is there a big difference if so what and would you reccomend an oil change anyway confused.gif

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there's no need on my car because it's got a triptronic gearbox so it's sealed for life, a multitronic however needs oil and filter change every 40000

call me stupid but is there a big difference if so what and would you reccomend an oil change anyway confused.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

without the oil change life will be 40,000 miles fekr.gif

I'd ask them to do it regardless of their advice as £3000+ for a new box compared to £200ish for the work makes sense to me if only for peace of mind ECLIPSe.gif

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OK..... just been out in the S tonight, to see if the problem is still there and there doesn't seem to be any signs of it.... anyway shes booked in to Audi on friday for an inspection and possible oil and filter change.

Have to say, im well impressed with the performance of the car, alot more lively than the old QS (that was 4 speed mind).....

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Dorris in Service should be used to that request. Many service areas get that request.

Some offer to show you the parts even if you have not asked. (not that you would really know the correct parts anyway.........) Jsut some old, oily stuff will probably suffice to keep people happy.

Can't really see her hauling out a bucket of dirty ATF to show you!


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Just had Audi on the fone with the report (god they are so friggin useless.. they call me at 5:15 and i'm at least half an hour away at this time of day..), anyway... their "head" technition recons its a faulty lambada probe... so they are getting one over night to fit tomorrow (£315 - great..) ..he said it was not necessary to change the oil and filter.. lets hope he's right !

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