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Graphics card time


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OK, time has come to upgrade my graphics card.

Don't want to pay the earth for bleeding edge performance.

CPU is 2.5Ghz P4 OC to 3GHz. 1gb Crucial XMS PC3200 CAS2.

Current card is an ATI 9700Pro - great card when new, but a bit dated now.

I think an Nvidia 6800GT AGP with a little light OC is the best performance/price solution, question is, which one?

I am considering the XFX and the Aopen cards here :


Whaddya reckon?


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Oops, had just already ordered the OCUK branded one with an Arctic Cooler VGA Silencer as well though, as I figured even the OEM board with decent cooling would overclock well. (Should run quieter too).


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it makes more sense to buy budget spec and replace more often

.... Particularly with the new stuff always around the corner! sekret.gif


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Just installed the new card in the machine, and it won't work. Fan spins up, but no output on either VGA or DVI port. Mobo makes "no vid card" beeps. mad.gif

It's an Asus P4PE Mobo - should be compatible as it's AGP4x.

Any ideas before I RMA this bloody thing - trouble is, I've installed the cooler on it, so will have to put the stock HSF back on it


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