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I feel a strange urge, and it's headed this way.


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*looks around*

Never been in here before.

As you might know, I've recently purchased a B6 Passat 2.0 sport, and although it's a diesel, it's not the flattest of engines, but, I'm now thinking I want something more fun (and easier to park!)

Plan is to keep the 'sat, and buy something else for the wifey (and me steal it.) I keep seeing the GTI, and I keep getting a compulsion to buy one. So question is, would I be making a wise move? Is it going to make my life better? wink.gif

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They are feckin' awesome cars! Take one for a test drive (better still get one for a day if you can) and you will be sold! smlove2.gif

You have all the practicality of a "normal" Golf hatchback but with great performance. She makes all the right noises and handles superbly. I get 30-31mpg with half motorway half town with a fair amount of "boot factor" in there so economical too.

So test drive, order and then give your wife the diesel! FIREdevil.gif

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Don't delay - get one today!!! Seriously - the lads are right - drive one and you're hooked. You just can't help smiling - and I traded from a quick Toyota Celica T Sport! It's a real chameleon car too. I took the inlaws and wife to South of France - stacks of room - good enough performance on the autoroute - regular family car - come home - disgorge outlaws and junk and I've got a fun car again! It was that noticeable after the holiday - unloaded it was like a sping lamb again - I love it! Currently in the throes of fitting the iPod adapter in place of the auotchanger - if I were buying again wouldn't bother with the autochanger - personal prefernce though!


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Make sure you get a good test drive etc and if possible get an extended test. As you can see from this forum, not many people have a bad word to say about it. It is a good car, there is no doubt about that, but I have never been 100% happy with mine, it has always left me wanting. I have enjoyed it and it is a good drive etc but I personally dont believe it is quite what some make it out to be. That is just my opinion.

All I will say is that you have got to make your own mind up on it and dont be too influenced by what others say about it. It is how you like it that matters. The residuals are dropping now quite fast as I have found out recently, look on the VW website and you will see plenty of used examples so supply is better than demand.

I dont doubt you will like it and enjoy it if it is what you want. 169144-ok.gif169144-ok.gif

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Welcome to the GTI forum, drpellypo 169144-ok.gif....I've read many of your posts in the Lounge of Joy etc.

No car is perfect but the Mk5 GTI is one of those exceptional cars which the manufacturer got right. An excellent allrounder, especially if you buy a 5-door, which is happy cruising like a limo one minute and being driven like a rally car the next. With three other TSNer GTI guys, we've just done a CarLimits course and we are all agreed how well the Mk5 GTI handles when pushed. The Mk5 really is equivalent to what the Mk1 was in its day way back in 1976....The GTI is back !

As you can see from GTiMK5's post, the regular guys in this forum may be extremely enthusiastic but we are all very honest in our opinions. There are niggles and areas which could be improved and a read of topics here will bear this out, but the pluses far outweigh any minuses.

If you do go for the GTI there are loads of tips here....For example get an armrest and reversing sensors, check out cloth (much better than you might expect), check out Xenons etc etc. Oh, and do check out DSG as thoroughly as you can.

As others have said, get the longest test drive you can and several test drives too (approach different dealers)....All that matters is how the GTI feels to you as a drive. I'm assuming that the GTI is basically the type of car you are interested in.

Have a fun test drive 169144-ok.gif. Be prepared that you might get hooked !! And yes, I am still grinning after 11,500 miles in 9 months.

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