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I almost had a head-on with the Vice!!!


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On my way to work this morning, minding my own business driving along a stretch of road which has two lanes on my side, two lanes on the other and no central reservation.

The opposing traffic was gridlocked and our lanes were moving smoothly.

Anyway, there is a mild blind bend in the road and I'm crusing at 40 in the outside lane with a vehicle just behind me on the inside.

Out of no-where a local squad car, (Peugeot 307), comes hurtling towards me around the blind bend and completely in my lane, blue lights flashing.

There was about 40 metres to play with between us and both doing 40mph!!!

All I could do was rely on the fact that the car on my inside was still there and barely having time to look in my mirror I violently swerved around the squad car!!!

I mean, WTF, if that car had been along side me there would have been a big old mess in the road.

I appreciate that they're doing an important job and have the greatest repect for the Police.

Alot of them are very good drivers too, however, in doing that job you have to have a certain element of awareness and these two f*ckers were just reckless!!!

If I had been an old lady in a Metro it would've been a different story! mad.gif

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Sounds nasty!!!

If he was in your lane and a collison had taken place, he would have been in a lot of dung.gif

Police are allowed to drive quickly but the emphasis is on SAFETY!

The safety of everyone around them, of the people they are trying to get to and ofcourse to them selves, afterall, they need to get to the job in one piece!

Achieving the standard of Police Driver is a difficult one and one I am proud of, but people like this then tarnish the image of the rest of us crazy.gif

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Police drive fast for a reason.

Contrary to popular belief it's not normal for a squad car to drive like that because they want a cup of tea grin.gif.

So the guys were on a serious call and he needed to get somewhere very quickly.

The London sirens on most squad cars can be heard 200m+ away, did you not think to slow down and wait to see where the noise was coming from?

It's a poor bit of driving by the police guy, but maybe the call was essential enough to warrant it. I don't think that it's right to start slagging off the whole force for one incident znaika.gif.

If the police take 1000 emergency calls an hour, by virtue of volume there will be a percentage of accident risks due to the work. I'm happy in the knowledge that should you , or my family and I ever need, we will get similar service. 169144-ok.gif

That's the sucking up over wink.giftongue.gif.

Chelsea are going to kick your sorry arses smashfreakB.gifjump.gif

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but maybe the call was essential enough to warrant it.

[/ QUOTE ]

So what type call warrants policemen driving recklessly and putting other drivers lives in danger then. Nothing warrants it, nothing at all. They protect and serve don't they!


I'm happy in the knowledge that should you , or my family and I ever need, we will get similar service. 169144-ok.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

What, a head on collision crazy.gif

I fully respect the police and the job they do (my mum has worked for the police for 20 yrs so i have lots of mates in there) But, they are the first to hit out when we do wrong, so need to be responisble themselves. I don't buy this "do as i say, but don't do as i do" cr4p.

Sometimes they step out of line and need a slap.gif just like the rest of us.

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No-one is slagging of the whole force, quite the opposite infact.

I'm sure they did have a genuine reason to drive quickly however you can do that without driving dangerously.

I was very careful to say that on the whole, the Police drivers I have encountered have been very careful and safety aware.

It was just this plonker this morning! I've friends who are motorway police drivers and even they said he was a muppet and I should report him.

Everytime I see a member of the police driving dangerously, it happens to be the local plod in a fiesta, speeding for the sake of it, not the actual high-speed pursuit vehicles.

As Audi-Smitten said, I'm sure the guys that do hold professional police driving licenses are very proud of that fact and would frown upon the actions I encounterded this morning, just as my friends in the force did.

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