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Oh dear, there are now 3 GTI's in my street!!


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I was so chuffed a few months ago when i picked up my GTI and i have to say i'm a bit gutted now there are 3 in my street. Maybe it was a "I want one of those moments (from the neighbours)"? but there are far too many around for my liking. Oh well, off for a drive!

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I think I've seen one in every colour in and around Birmingham apart from white. There's a red one just a few houses up from me so there's a few about but by no means common.

I often see a Steel Grey one filling up at the Sainsbury's/Shell garage on the Chester Road, anyone on here?

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I can relate to this thread too! So far this year i've seen in total about 5 gti's in melbourne. Last week I saw one parked in my work car park. Turns out one of the doctors at work got his car early due to a cancellation (he was due for Sept delivery), mind you i wasn't aware that someone in my workplace had placed an order as well. So the sixth GTI i get to see on a weekly basis now and to make matters worse it's red too!! Oh well at least my one will have xenons and interlagos! Jst my luck i suppose.. SAUER0421.GIF

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Hi Stevie

I was suprised as well. One parked on angel hill 06 plate. One in town centre car park 55 plate(outside woolworths), two in the buttermarket car park and one past me by sainsburys (05 plate). Before that i had only seen two black models. Not bothered, but did suprise me at how common they are becoming in bury.

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You should come to Northern Ireland, I think I have seen about 5 this year. laugh.gif

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...from next week you should be able to see 6 - collecting mine next Wednesday.

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If you haven't already seen mine then that will be 7!!!

Whereabouts are you guys in Northern Ireland?

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The GTI is far from exclusive where I live, town with population of about 17000 mad.gif

I definately had the first one locally but theres a black one on 18s around the corner, I pass another silver one on the way to work and I saw another blue one on 18s around town yesterday cool.gif

GTIs are getting as common as Audi TTs up here grin.gif

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Yes, I'm afriad I have two kerbed. One is a very small nick the other I'm ashamed of.

I did well and kept it off the kerb for about the first nine months, but got caught on some of Melbourne's famous blue stone in a parking incident.

My fault, though I would have loved to have a piece of the idiot behind me. Reverse parking - went a little deeper than I should in order to negotiate the sod who pulled up hard on my backside. Rather than going again - which I though about I caried on. Ouch.

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There really arn't many in Melbourne yet. Though I did notice a dealer with two to sell in the Age on the weekend.

I would say that with 3 GTI's in the one street then it's a pretty good street.

I've got a whole squadron of LuftBMW's in my street. Mostly 3 series, mostly silver (they can attack you from out of the sun that way) and mostly all with attitude. On that basis I'd love another GTI as wingman.

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Aussies bring back the spirit of the Battle of Britain...... LOL

Rovers - deceased

TVRs - possibly fatally weakened & now under Russian control

Aston Martin - an upmarket Ford brand

Rolls Royce - an upmarket BMW brand

Bentley - an upmarket VAG brand

Leaves the few flying the flag....

Bristol, Noble, Westfield, Caterham etc .....

Can't afford these and not practical for me - love my GTI 169144-ok.gif

There's a steel grey 3 door along my road as well beerchug.gif

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Aussies bring back the spirit of the Battle of Britain...... LOL

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....And so does spending a day on North Weald airfield and in the 'Squadron' cafe there among all the reminders on the walls. I used to know a guy called Brian Kingcome whom I've just learnt is rather more famous for his bravery and leadership than I realised when I knew him as a client in London. I also more recently met a WW2 Hurricane pilot, now 85, and I had the great pleasure to gift him an Apple Mac Performa to replace his failed one. Both very optimistic and upbeat guys notworthy.gif. Stand up and hats off to such people.


I've just been invited to fly (with instructor) in a couple of weeks at Gloucester Airport. I don't fancy the sideways stuff though!!


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