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MPG on "new" 130 bhp TDi


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My new Highline Estate (B5.5) is returning 44 mpg on average without a lot of motorway driving. My old 115bhp Estate averaged 50 for the same typre of journeys. Now that had 115k miles on the clock and was well and truly run in of course and my new car has only 3700 miles on the clock. Accepting that it will loosen up in the future does peoples experience of the 130 bhp engine say that it will get up to the 115 type levels of economy. The 130 is a fantastic engine though regardless

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Not as much difference that would make me sell a 115 to get a 130 just for the engine IMO. To get a newer car is the reason I did it and the extra power was a bonus. However, the 130 has a fair bit more power on acceleration when it kicks in. It doen't run out of puff quite as quickly as the 115, which was and is a terrific combination of power and economy.

Most of my driving is on A roads and country roads at the moment so I guess 44 is not bad but I would expect that to get back up to 50 once I have quite a few more thousand on the clock.

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Give it plenty of stick in its early years (until its first service) and keep checking the oil. Then it'll start to loosen up and mileage will creep up a bit.

I doubt you'll do quite as good as the 115, but you should get close. See, it's wanting to use that extra power which uses a little bit more fuel. If you can take it steady on acceleration, it'll be a bit better.

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No, 16 inch I think, 17inch wheels were an option. I think it boils down to it being a new car. My old 115 Passat only really loosened up when it went past 30k and had another leap in performance and economy after 75k. I got the feeling that it really only hit its stride and became "run in" when it went past the 100k mark. Like the 130 it was always great before that mark but I think I need to put a few miles on the clock before I really get the benefit.

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