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unbelievable B@ST@RD


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I was sitting down watching TV, when all of the sudden I heard a loud bang, so I look out my window to see what happened, and I see a red car driving off, so I go outside to see what exactly happened, and this is what I saw



the guy hit my car with so much force that he pushed it into the curb and scuffed my alloys


my brother ran down the street to chase the guy and see where he went, and there were some kids hanging around the corner he asked them if they saw a car come by and they said yeh he just drove around the corner, so he went around the corner and saw a red escort van, so he took some pic's of the car just incase,


so yeh, got some more pic's just really annoyed to be honest, and I was wondering how this will effect my insurance premium, I'm 23 and have only had my license for 7months, so i'm still relativly new, however the car was parked, also my cover is full comp, so does anybody know what sort of effect this will have on my premium??


rant over

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yeh, called the police, was told to go down to the station and get a self reporting form, so filled one in and handed it in, luckily two of my neighbours saw the car drive off and they both got the same number plate to the one in the pic, so hopfully that should be enough proof, plus there is glass on the floor near my golf, which doesn't come from my car,

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The paint on your bumper would clinch it anyway I'd have thought - a perfect match.

If he's insured, you should be fine.

If he's not, it's another matter altogether.

However, looking at how he's parked the Van (with the rear wheel up on the kerb) he's clearly been in a rush as you'd expect, but I wonder if he'd been drinking too?

I'd have been more inclined to insist they came out straight away. Didn't you knock on nearby doors? I'd have certainly done so.

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I think you should definately call the police and give them the licence plate of the red van. If he didnt do it then they will or should be able to prove that with the paint scrapings and maybe the pics. Also did you get any of the kids names? They could be witnesses?

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yeh, I didn't get a chance to knock on the doors, as it was my younger brother who ran around to take the pic's, but the way he parked did worry me too, also running off itself, hopfully my insurance company will not increase my premium too much, thats whats worrying me more, also luckily no one got hurt, if he was driving that erratically he could easily have knocked over a small child, my brother said when he got there, there was nobody around at all too ask, plus he is fairly young I didn't want him getting in to much trouble

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I am well gutted, only had the car for less than two months, and this is the second thing that has happened to it, the first thing is some one stole the bottom of the front bumper, and now this, this happened at around 6:45pm so it would be too late for someone to call up and report an accident, but thanks for the advice, the police just said to come down and that they may send a car out to take a look, nothing else.

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I did call the police, but as I said earlier they weren't that bothered about it, i've got my neighbours as witnesses as they saw the car speeding off, the kids are local kids so I can always ask them later.

thanks for the replies guys, i'm just really pissed off and just annoyed, it was a parked car for feck sake, fekr.gif

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You've been extremely unlucky, and your attitude regarding your younger brother and the kids on the street is commendable - much to your credit. notworthy.gif

I hope they get the bugger for you. 169144-ok.gif

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thanks, earlier you said that if the other driver was uninsured in would be a different matter, what would that mean? as in how would it be resolved?

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I don't think I do, what is it about? and what happens if I do not have it? which is the case

just checked my policy, and it says legal expense cover is supplied as standard, im with elephant btw

the worst thing is this was my first year insurance and im only two months into it, and now i may lose my one year no claims discount, openfire.gifopenfire.gif


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Sorry to hear about your car, its a sickening feeling...I know.

Same thing happened to my wife's Astra last week except the culprit stopped.

Speak to your insurance company asap and ask for help. They will be able to check the red vans insurance if you give them the reg etc. They may also instruct a solicitor to act for you if you have legal assistance. Try and get the name & address of any witnesses, I think you'll need these.

Hope you get is sorted OK

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@JonnyGTi, thanks for the reply, I tried contacting my Insurance company today but they were closed smashfreakB.gif tomorrow im going to call them up and hopfully they will be able to get it sorted, I was thinking about going around the houses and asking if they know who owns the car, as i just went to see it now and the car is now parked properly, so the person must live locally, almost definatly on the street that he is parked on. thanks again for all the advice.

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Sorry to hear about this, some people have no respect and it's clear that the driver of the red van is one such person.

As mentioned the van parking does suggest that the driver might have had a few drinks and that could be the reason for driving off.

I would print off the photo's and go down the police station.

After filling in the accident report details I would suggest you embellish the accident details to encourage the police to offer reaction.

In addition to the evidence of photos and witness names and addresses add in some verbal rumours:-

"Someone told me the driver was all over the road"

"Someone told me the driver was smoking a large hand rolled fag"

"There were young children playing near bye"

"The driver drove off at high speed after the accident"

Hopefully the police will move up a gear and react more strongly than they have done, so far.

My concerns would be:-

Can someone ID the driver, give accurate facial description?

Is the car registered to the owner

Is it insured

Is it road worthy and has current MOT

Why did he run away rather than stop and sort the accident out.

Providing you insist that the police do investigate and they do so (and find out who the driver was) this would be a no fault claim, so should not affect your insurance.

This will only work with police help- help them by making sure you have all witness details, phone numbers and address stuff and the car / van photo's.

Good luck and keep up the news flow

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Had a word with my insurance company this morning and they said that it should be a no fault claim, the car's been picked up to be fixed so hopfully I should get a replacement car for the time being. while speaking to the insurance company the person on the phone said to me that they should be able to get the details of the driver as I clearly have the reg number, also the fact that he moved the car later in the evening to the other side of the road means he must live very locally, hopfully it will all get sorted without my no claims being effected.

@chri5, thanks for the advice, I did what you suggested, still the police haven't come around, even though I said that the car is just on the next road, meh thats what police is like in my area...

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Get a case number from the police and keep bothering them about it (politely)....The squeaky wheel gets oiled first.

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im working on it sportifs2.gif, they keep telling me that ONCE the self report is processed i'l get a crime reference number.. SAUER0421.GIF

who knows when that will be..

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If you`ve filled out a report with the Police mate, it will now be recorded, and then returned to an Officer for him/her to deal with.

They can`t just ignore it mate, and do nothing, and I`m sure it will get sorted, but it just takes time.

Regarding your insurance, you now have to report it to them, if you haven`t done so already. If there is a current keeper for the vehicle, then the Police will sort that side of things in respect of a prosecution, and, if you are fully-comp on your insurance, then they will sort out getting your car fixed immediatley. If you aren`t then you will have to wait for the other guy`s insurance to cough-up, but they will only do that if he admits to it.

If he doesn`t, and gets off with it at court, which, looking at the damage and photos you`ve taken, along with your witnesses, would be nigh-on impossible, the Motor Insurance Beareaux may cough-up.

You need to ask your insurance company about this.

Hope this helps. 169144-ok.gif

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Get a case number from the police and keep bothering them about it (politely)....The squeaky wheel gets oiled first.

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im working on it sportifs2.gif, they keep telling me that ONCE the self report is processed i'l get a crime reference number.. SAUER0421.GIF

who knows when that will be..

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You won`t get a "crime-report" number mate, just an accident report number. You will only get this once the report has been forwarded through to the relevant admin department, and allocated a number.

Give it time mate, as it`s just like any service you require, and can`t always be done immediately, as there are others in the line before yourself.

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Glad your insurance company are helping out...it should definitely be a no fault claim....but you may have a bit of work to do to prove it. In addition to the advice above I would also ask your insurance company to give you the legal expense cover that you say you have. Afterall it is not your fault and you should'nt really have all the hassle, as that's what your legal cover is for

They normally instruct a solicitor to contact you and sort everything out...it takes time but eventually you'll get recompensed (hopefully!).

Make a note of how much time you have spent sorting out the claim etc., phone calls, car hire, any uninsured losses etc. as you should also eventually get all these back.

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Sorry to hear what happened. There are so many idiots out there...

Depending on your insurance company depends on how they will deal with this. Technically speaking its a claim against the policy and so you will loose your no claims discount (unless protected). However, the majority of good insurance companies will let you keep your discount if you were not at fault AND where they are able to obtain a full recovery of their outlay. The issue here ofcourse is that the person is not yet caught.

Unfortunately, based on my current understanding, whilst the MIB (motor insuers bureau, they deal with compensation where the driver is untraced) has recently extended the scope of its compensation to include property, not just injury compensation, I believe they will only provide compensation for property damage where an injury claim is also present at the same time. As your vehicle was parked and no-one was injured then you will not get any joy. You may wish to phone the MIB though to double check (i've been out of direct contact with the technical side for a while).

Your only hope is that they will trace the driver, or that the insurance company is kind enough to let you keep your no claims discount. In either case the standard claims handler dealing with your own damage claim is not going to be able to direct you in the above matters. If you do have legal expenses cover then I would suggest speaking to them to look in to all of the above for you.

hope this helps and good luck!

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