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Damn......alarm problem


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My alarm has started to go off within a minute or so of locking the car.

Nothing I can see is causing the alarm..i.e open windows, door or boot ajar and I now have to leave it on my drive unlocked if I, or the neighbours, are to get any sleep.

Before carting off to the stealers any suggestions or pointers?



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Hadn't thought to look there will do so tonight! Is the sensor obvious?

Sneaky, have you heard the horn..it's abloody disgrace to call itself an alarm - but unfotunately still loud enough to

a) wear down the battery

b) wear down the will to live. peep,peep,peep,aaarghh!!

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By the sounds of it the alarm sound you are hearing is not the main alarm as it is LOUD!

The sound I had was a beep beep sound similar to a loud alarm clock which I believe tells you when a door is open (or the bonnet) when the main alarm is activated. It is there to attract your attention because something isn't properly closed.

I would guess there is probably a sensor for the boot as well.

I don't know where the bonnet sensor is located as I noticed the shut lines of the bonnet was above the main bodywork so just gently pushed it down so it locked in place - The sound then stopped.

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The sensors you guys refer to are pin swicthes IMO (look near the brake fluid reservoir, remember when closing the bonet there are two catches at each end. The boot has two pin switches on the actual err boot lid, may be a broken connection or dry joint etc. Its all about taking them out and completing the circuit. Do you have the beep feature on when locking it? because from what I've seen on my car if you leave a door/bonnet/boot ajar then the doors do lock but there is no beep to signify the alarm is set. If you do then when you lock and if you have a faulty pin switch then it wont beep when locked. 169144-ok.gif



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Raincoat / Ska

I think between you may have cracked it.

I opened up the boot and found the two sensors on the edge of the lid.

I gave them both a thorough wiggle just in case they were sticking. I did the same for the sensor under the bonnet and made sure the bonnet was shut tight.

It's funny as I have been having trouble with the bonnet sticking on one side when trying to open it recently confused.gif

Anyways I locked the car over 30 mins ago now and zero peeps! Bearing in mind it wouldn't stay silent for longer than 40 secs previously this is a result. If this lasts all night I'll be well chuffed.

Hope it's not too premature but THANKS A LOT FELLAS!

Top Result 169144-ok.gif169144-ok.gifbeerchug.gif

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Bugger...I DID speak too soon. The dreaded beeps are back!!

The source is to the left of the boot just next to the compartment for the Autochanger. Indeed the panelling has slats in it so I assume this is to allow the Alarm to be heard.

So it's back to the drawing board. Think I'll look for the fuse and kill it that way. I don't really need the alarm so I wouldn't miss it. I just hope it isn't some multi-purpose fuse so I'm not obliged to knock out something useful.

Oh..and my brake-light failed this morning EEK2.GIF They say things come in threes...so what's next?



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Bugger...I DID speak too soon. The dreaded beeps are back!!

The source is to the left of the boot just next to the compartment for the Autochanger. Indeed the panelling has slats in it so I assume this is to allow the Alarm to be heard.

So it's back to the drawing board. Think I'll look for the fuse and kill it that way. I don't really need the alarm so I wouldn't miss it. I just hope it isn't some multi-purpose fuse so I'm not obliged to knock out something useful.

Oh..and my brake-light failed this morning EEK2.GIF They say things come in threes...so what's next?



[/ QUOTE ]

The boot-beeps are the alarm back-up battery signalling that its on its last legs.

I've got the same thing happening on mine. I 'demoed' it an audi assist chap recently and he told me that's what it was.

Going to get it replaced at next service (soon) so hopefully it will go away.

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Bugger...I DID speak too soon. The dreaded beeps are back!!

The source is to the left of the boot just next to the compartment for the Autochanger. Indeed the panelling has slats in it so I assume this is to allow the Alarm to be heard.

So it's back to the drawing board. Think I'll look for the fuse and kill it that way. I don't really need the alarm so I wouldn't miss it. I just hope it isn't some multi-purpose fuse so I'm not obliged to knock out something useful.

Oh..and my brake-light failed this morning EEK2.GIF They say things come in threes...so what's next?



[/ QUOTE ]

The boot-beeps are the alarm back-up battery signalling that its on its last legs.

I've got the same thing happening on mine. I 'demoed' it an audi assist chap recently and he told me that's what it was.

Going to get it replaced at next service (soon) so hopefully it will go away.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ska, No access to VAGCOM unfortunately.

Crasher, did he show you where the back-up battery resides. Is this something I could change - assuming I can get hold of one?


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Thanks Crasher.

Strange thing confused.gif

I mentioned that the rear brake bulb had blown in an earlier post. Well I've changed it yesterday and the alarm problem appears to have disappeared. I'm just wondering if the failing bulb could have had anything to do with it. confused.gif

It's been a couple of days now and I'm 'touching wood'

Will wait a week before getting overly excited.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well what can I say.... grin.gif

One week on and not a single problem with the alarm going off.

Will never know for sure if the failing bulb caused the alarm but it's mighty strange that since the bulb was replaced (actually did the pair to be on the safe side)the problem has disappeared. confused.gifconfused.gif

Just happy I didn't have to pay a stealer 90+VAT per hour to scratch their own heads. Pair of Bosch bulbs...£2.69!

Thanks for all the suggestions and pointers fellas - very much appreciated and why I love this place sooo much beerchug.gif



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