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Cheshire BBQ Meet


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Ok, early days, but i am planning a little soire (sp!!??? grin.gif) at my parents place just outside Wilmslow, mainly as a bit of a charity fund raising party for the Scumball event (see my website HERE )

I was thinking of bouncy castle / gladiators type affair with a beer tent (all profits to charity) and a decent BBQ laid on.

Would you be up for that cheshire chaps and lasses??

Basic plan will be late afternoon start, the Scumball motor on display, your motors parked up and then some tunes / drinking in the evening if anyone is still around.

As i say, early idea but looks likely for end of June. Might even combine it with an England game on a big screen outside (or inside if needs be!) if i knew anything about football and when it was on (help!!??)........ grin.gif

Let me know and i will plan it out properly. Ideas as always welcome - remembering its mainly for charity. 169144-ok.gif

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Depending on when at the end of June I'd like to be there 169144-ok.gif

I can't make the Scumball unfortunately (as I'm on holiday from the 30th June) but I would like to be involved somehow beerchug.gif

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nice one sharky!! 169144-ok.gif Will sort you out with a tent or something in the garden too..... grin.gif

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Aye Jon, we'll be there if...

A) we're invited grin.gif

B) work etc doesn't dictate otherwise (shouldn't do, but you never know)

Is the bouncy castle for adults, or little ones, or both? 169144-ok.gif


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Course you're (all) invited J. 169144-ok.gif

my sister used to get one which was for the kids to start off with, but then for the Adults after a few hours..... grin.gif She now prefers to go out on the pi55 at the age of 15 ROLLEY~14.GIF

Gladiators is cool - 2 little podiums and sticks to bash eachother with!! The kids are really good at it but the adults terrible after a few beers grin.gif

Will get my sisters' chearleaders to come along too and do some dancing shows etc (UK Cheerleading Association). 169144-ok.gif And yes, there are some over 16 years old.... tongue.gif


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UK Cheerleadering Assoc - ah, you'll know a workmate of mine then! 169144-ok.gif

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who would that be then..... sekret.gif


By the way, can I just suggest that 17th/18th June is not a good weekend? grin.gif

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True!!! grin.gif Am thinking 24/25th or 1/2nd July.

Well, at least a few are interested!!! 169144-ok.gif Will have a think and a chat with my mum to ask if i can borrow the garden!! grin.gif

Will finalise plans and repost in a few weeks 169144-ok.gif

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Sorry folks, this isnt happening.

Various resons, including the fact that the best date for it (01st/02nd July), i am now otherwise occupied and the weekend before isn't really feasable either! Any earlier than that is difficult as time will be spent on the Scumball car!

Sorry and all that, but the idea is planted and i may plan a homecoming party of some sort instead! grin.gif If we make it back..... ROLLEY~14.GIF

Cheers 169144-ok.gif

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