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New minister backing speed cameras


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Just been reading this link....

New minister backing speed cameras

It makes me mad.....a couple of phrases jump out.

"As we become better off as a country, we will want to travel more and we will want to travel further."

Should that translate as:

"As we become better off as a country, The government will increase taxes to remedy this"


"While acknowledging the challenges ahead with any introduction of road pricing, Mr Alexander said the prize for motorists would be "better value out of the road network" and improved choices for drivers"

OK... you lost me here.....

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Is Steven Ladyman still at the Department of Transport? Why can't someone who seems to have a bit of gumption be put into running that department? mad.gif I wouldn't mind road pricing on motorways, if I knew it would go towards making public transport better. But we all know it will be spent on benefits, or that bottomless pit called the NHS.

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Nah, we have plenty of choices.

Say, for example, that we want to avoid congestion. All we have to do is ... not go to work! grin.gif

Or, if we have to work, we can work different hours. 9pm to 5am, for example. OK, so no-one that we need to co-operate with will be there, and we'll be completely out of it ZZZ.gif, and we'll be asleep when we should be dropping the kids off at school so their education will suffer, but hey it's a choice that we have!

Or, I could bike.thumb.gif to work. Only 40 miles there and 40 back. No problem, except for the NHS bed that I will need after a few days

This bunch of idiots really seem to believe that we WANT to sit in a traffic jam every morning. This is not traffic management - a jam is its own deterrent. This is just a way of raising even more cash for Gordon.

And I think they know that, really. sportifs2.gif

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Just goes back to what I have said before about easy options - there are plenty of ways to monitor driving standards and penalise people for careless or dangerous driving - but they cost more to implement, speeding is easy, it wont affect driving standards so it gives you skope to hammer people more further down the line.

At the end of the day living in Milton Keynes I have very little choice in Car use - for example home to station = 10 mins in car, 25-35mins walk and 50 mins on the bus - so why would I use a bus that is almost as frequent as a solar eclipse? So on my way to the station in the car I take the kids to school - so 1 trip rather than 2 or 2 cars but it will people like me that end up being penalised, but we have to remember being British, what am I going to do about it? Diddly, the government knows they can keep taking the p155 because we wont do anythign about it - now if it affected the dole dossing money absorbing, cigarette smoking, beer swilling habbitually unemployable then I am sure there would be a real comotion.....But I am British working class and we just moan and leave it at that.

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I work for an Architects firm, which has offices in Peterborough and London and I live in Cambridge, so whichever way you look at it, I have to commute.

I spend the majority of my time in London, in which I get the train, and 1 or 2 days a week in Peterborough in which I drive along the dreaded A14.

As much as a pain in the backside driving on the A14 is, I prefer it... why???? because I'm in control of my own timings/movements.

I start work at 08:30 and finish at 17:00. Typically my travel ends up like this:

To Peterborough

Jump in the car at 07:40 ish

Drive to Peterborough, arrive at 08:30

(that's allowing for the 50mph constant speed on the A14 due to congestion)

Leave work at 17:00

Arrivce home 17:50 or thereabouts.

To London

Jump in car at 06:50 drive to Station

Get on 07:15 Train

Arrive Kings Cross

Get on tube if it's running

Walk from Tube to office

Arrive Office 08:30ish (yesterday was 09:15 due to flippin tube)

Leave office 17:00

Walk to and Get on tube

Get to Kings Cross and get on 17:45 (if tube is delayed normally there are no seats on train so choice is stand for an hour or wait for next train (06:15)

Arrive Cambridge and drive home.

Get home earliest 19:00.

By in large, the actual total travel time is about the same. It's the getting to and from the public transport the waiting around and the interchange that takes the time. I've tried public transport to Peterborough and never again........

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This bunch of idiots really seem to believe that we WANT to sit in a traffic jam every morning. This is not traffic management - a jam is its own deterrent. This is just a way of raising even more cash for Gordon.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly mate! We don't decide to jump in our cars and sit on a major road for an hour just for the hell of it, most people are trying to get to work and it just so happens that most businesses have the same hours of opening.

Motorists really are shafted from every angle in this country; we have a poor road network, we pay a large amount of fuel tax, we pay a lot for our cars, we pay RFL and then we have to pay if we drift slightly over the speed limit.

I'm getting totally fed up of people thinking I'm the devil just because I drive; no I'm not going to knock your children down and no I'm not adding that much to world pollution, certainly not as much as your nice TV that got shipped half way round the world for you to watch environmental programmes on.

I've had arguments with anti-car peeps in the past and they really don't listen to reason. In their opinion cars are killing the youth of this nation (how?) and rapidly increasing global warming.

*goes for a drive just to piss off the eco-mentalists FIREdevil.gif

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I'm getting totally fed up of people thinking I'm the devil just because I drive; no I'm not going to knock your children down and no I'm not adding that much to world pollution, certainly not as much as your nice TV that got shipped half way round the world for you to watch environmental programmes on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you seen the Scamera Partnership posters in the gents on some M4 services? The ones with a picture of a Mum pushing a pram - they say "Do you need a better reason" (not to speed..)

For the first time ever, I really wanted to graffiti something. I swear, if I'd had a marker, I would have written on that poster:

"Oh yes. There were so many of them on the M4 today."


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Have you seen the Scamera Partnership posters in the gents on some M4 services? The ones with a picture of a Mum pushing a pram - they say "Do you need a better reason" (not to speed..)

For the first time ever, I really wanted to graffiti something. I swear, if I'd had a marker, I would have written on that poster:

"Oh yes. There were so many of them on the M4 today."


[/ QUOTE ]

That's so daft it's laughable smile.gif

Like you say, you don't see many women pushing prams along a motorway...

Just to add: does anyone think these safety campaigns may actually be reducing road safety? They seem to give the impression that as long as you're doing the speed limit (no matter the weather conditions) then you're perfectly safe and could never injure anyone. Why can't the government start teaching drivers to drive according to road conditions?

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What with "road pricing", scamer partnershits, and unscrupulous police hiding up slip-roads with lasers, its a major attention breaker, we all look for hidden "traps" instead of the road, accident rates must be on the up.

This government will shot themselves in the foot over "road pricing" with more poeple limiting there driving and the Knock on effect on new car sales, fuel sales,servicing ect, this will effect shops as poeple will cut there visits.

Who would want to buy a 155MPH car to be watched all day by spys in the sky inforcing the road tolls? not me I'll get me pram and walk the M4. dung.gifbuttcheeks.gif

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