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Retro Fit Cruise Control


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Hi There, I have been lurking a while and got a whole lot of info from you guys before I took the plunge and got myself a 2001 A4 2.5 TDI Quattro. Really pleased with the car and having so much fun with it. laugh.gif

The chap who sold it to me bought all the bits to retro fit cruise control ie stalk and cowling, and just before I took delivery of it he had the control unit behind the streering wheel changed (sorry i don't know all the techy info of this!) which he was told would make it compattable with the CC?

I called my local Main dealer (having already heard about Audi labour costs!! shocked.gif) to see how much it would be and the bloke said that they had never retro fitted to a 2001 A4 before but when they did a A3 recently they had to make up a load of wireing looms or something and it wasn't just a case of plugging it in and switching on via VAG COM.

Now i was under the impression it was a bit more straght forward than this. I Did a search and found this thread >>HERE<< and from what I can tell it should be easy for someone in the know to do?... right??

BTW audi quoted about £720 as i already have the parts! local indy Audi chap said he could fit it all but when he had tried the VAG bit in the past it didn't work?

Anyone got some words of advice? Cheers! 169144-ok.gif

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Welcome aboard 169144-ok.gif

£720??!? EEK2.GIFEEK2.GIFEEK2.GIF I think it might be an idea to try a different dealer! The talk about wiring looms etc. sounds like nonsense - as long as you have the stalk, the cowling and the steering wheel control module, all you need is for someone to fit it all and enable cruise via VAG-COM.

I find it hard to believe they've never retro-fitted it to such a car before. I had the mod done to my previous '01 B6 A4 by a local dealer back in late '04, and it was all very fuss-free and standard practice as far as I could tell. It cost about £300 all in IIRC, although had I known about TSN at the time I could've saved a few pennies - there are quite a few people on here who could do this for you I'm sure. 169144-ok.gif

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I'm glad it wasn't just me that thought the whole wiring busniess sounded rubbish. I questioned it when he mentioned it but to be honest he didn't sound like he had much of an idea?

The car had a new steering wheel control module just before I got it was there was a fault with the ESP light and to fix this they replaced the module with an up-dated one which was able to take CC.

So if I can track someone down to fit it for me I shouldn't be looking at spending too much wedge to get myself some Cruise control? I saw the post above while searching... anyone know of someone or somewhere in East Anglia where I might be able to get this lot sorted?

Thanks for the replies btw... I know how anoying it can be when newbies ask the same questions that have already been answered... but I did search... honest!

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If you have the correct steering control module it should be a case of plugging in the cruise stalk and programming via VAG-COM.... the problems come when you have to change the Steering Control Module as me and Shark 90 encountered yesterday trying to do mine! OOOps......


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If you have the correct steering control module it should be a case of plugging in the cruise stalk and programming via VAG-COM.... the problems come when you have to change the Steering Control Module as me and Shark 90 encountered yesterday trying to do mine! OOOps......


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I think it already has the correct module? The car is new to me so I don't fancy getting the phillips out and trying it myself, plus wouldn't know where to start with regard to the VAG-COM would much rather get someone else to have a go... how much should I be looking to pay someone to fit and do the VAG-COM business? confused.gif

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If you have the correct steering control module it should be a case of plugging in the cruise stalk and programming via VAG-COM.... the problems come when you have to change the Steering Control Module as me and Shark 90 encountered yesterday trying to do mine! OOOps......


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How right he is coffee.gif

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Has anybody had an issue with the brake light switch in order to get CC working?

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Yep - Have a look at this thread!

Zerologic - I'm near Peterborough if that helps with regard to fitting your CC. Though as a few of us are finding out (like Shark_90 and ChasDrury), the enabling of CC is proving somewhat intermittent. It was my local stealer that recoded my car for CC, and it only cost £30 (and I think I drank that much coffee whilst waiting for the work to be done sekret.gif)

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Cheers Mitchet I will bare that in mind if I can find a more local way?

From the link you posted above I can see that there have been problems... are these when the steering controller module are fitted as well?

This has already been done by a local stealer before i got the car.. (but he didn't have the CC fitted at the time! ROLLEY~14.GIF) or is the probelm with the VAG-COM update?

sorry about all the vauge questions... im new to this and trying to get all the info I can to avoid being ripped off!

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No problem with the questions... I wen't through the same thing when I looked at fitting CC. 169144-ok.gif

I've been meaning to do a write up on this one for a site which a friend of mine and I started (www.audiretrofit.co.uk), but as with many folk on here, time (and sometimes partners!) generally mean it doesn't happen!

So far, this is what I know:

SCSM (Steering Wheel Computer) - This must support Cruise Control. Some people have said that modules that do support it have extra pins, although I've not noticed this myself. The best way of telling is to look at the revision letter after the part code (it'll be an S, N, P, L... and I think there is a couple more). Version N definately supports CC (my new module), S doesn't (my old module).

If you already have this, then you need the CC stalk fitting (takes about 15-20mins), and then some recoding with VAG-COM (Steering Control - Module 16) > Function 07 (Recode) > Change bit 0xx?x to 2 for CC only, and 4 for DIS and CC. (Let me know if that last bit flew over your head!) ices_blah.gif

You shouldn't have the ABS, ESP problems unless you disconnect (and replace?) your SCSM.

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SCSM (Steering Wheel Computer) - This must support Cruise Control. Some people have said that modules that do support it have extra pins, although I've not noticed this myself. The best way of telling is to look at the revision letter after the part code (it'll be an S, N, P, L... and I think there is a couple more). Version N definately supports CC (my new module), S doesn't (my old module).

If you already have this, then you need the CC stalk fitting (takes about 15-20mins), and then some recoding with VAG-COM (Steering Control - Module 16) > Function 07 (Recode) > Change bit 0xx?x to 2 for CC only, and 4 for DIS and CC. (Let me know if that last bit flew over your head!) ices_blah.gif

You shouldn't have the ABS, ESP problems unless you disconnect (and replace?) your SCSM.

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top reply... thanks for that... I have just dug out the invoice for when he had the SCSM replaced last week and the part number is 8E0953549 N so from what I can tell It shouldn't be too much of a job which is great news... don't know what the local stealer was on about... just trying it on me thinks!

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zerologic - what abot the Norwich VW independants..... sure they must have done a few Vws........

You got to remember taht new Audi centre building must have cost a few ££££

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I had asked a local audi independant he said he could fit it but had had problems with the VAG-COM part of the install in the past, but if I had the info above in this thread he might have a bit more luck?

I hadn't thought about VW places... might be one to look into although in norwich the VW is also Robinsons so will prob be just as expensive?

And that new Robinson Audi in Norwich is one massive place.. no wonder they charge so much to pay for that lot!!!

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