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Exporting a car to France?


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My Uncle has a house in France and has bought a German registered Audi A3 to leave across there. The car is currently in Nottingham still on German number plates.

What is the best way of getting it across to France? He has been told that it must registered in this country before it can be insured. This would involve getting a certificate of conformity from Audi, changing the lights, changing the speedo, MOT, tax and the cost of actually registering it. All in this adds up to about £400.

Is there anyway to get it insured without registering it here? Is it possible to register it in France before the car is taken over?


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Why on earth do you want to register it "here" ? (The UK?)

Surely if you're keeping it in France, it would be best to register it in France where it can have French insurance etc?

Otherwise it'd have to come back to the UK every year for its MOT and you'd have trouble getting insurance covering you for more than 90-180 days a year abroad.

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He needs to get insurance to take it to France from the UK. The insurance company he spoke to said they will only insure it if it was registered in the UK. Ultimately it will be registered and insured in France but I am guessing that the car will need to be in France before it can be registered.

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Sounds a bit of hassle.

I'd be tempted to transport it from Germany to France, then go through the registering proceedure unless you can find a broker in the UK thats willing to cover you.

Me.. I'd have just bought a car already registered in France wink.gif

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