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First Day in the S8


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well after a long time admiring them i finally got my S8 yesterday & spent all afternoon & most of the evening driving it! ECLIPSe.gif did a full tank of gas! Ouch suicide.gif

well what can i say that probably hasn't been said before!

the car is MUCH better than i had imagined it would be after only having a moderate test drive with the seller last weekend, this was mainly just to check everytthing was working & there were no creaks,groans,knocks or bangs etc!

after driving for a couple of hundred or so miles yesterday i was able to fully appreciate how good this car really is jump.gif

you can just waft along on barely a whiff of throttle taking in the ambience or kick it down a couple & howl it like a loon 169144-ok.gif

the handling is pretty much amazing for a car its size & it just seems to do everything SO well 169144-ok.gif

did notice a couple of things though, plenty of nods from fellow Audi owners, which is nice!

the way most people see you in their rear view & just pull straight over, nice again!

but also the way every large engined BMW driver seems to want to "have it" from the lights or just out on the road!

they all seem to want to take a pop at the 8 ROLLEY~14.GIF

bit silly i know but i kinda went for it with a Beemer last night & we hooned it from Englfield Green to Camberley where i turned off & imagine my surprise when i pulled up alongside the Beemer at the lights when i looked over & saw an older chap in his 50's with a big grin under his mustache giving me the thumbs up sign 169144-ok.gif

was good fun & its always nice when the other driver is sociable about it jump.gif

now for the disclaimer

obviously we drove sensibly completey within the posted limits & would not recommend racing or any kind of competing with other cars on the public roads ROLLEY~14.GIF

anyway first impressions are of a car that can do it all-

Looks nice



Stops reasonably well

Accelerates well


the list could go on & you guys in here alrady know how good they are, suffice it to say i'm smitten with my S8 heart.gif

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i'm still loving it 169144-ok.gif

its no worse on fuel than the Cosworth i had before BUT because i like driving this i have to keep filling it up!

done over 600 miles since i got it at the weekend now & i've been at work all day for the last 3 days!

its one of those cars where you get to the end of your road & think "nah, not yet" & drive straight past LOL jump.gif

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I touched an S8 today in the car park... I'm never gonna wash my hand again grin.gif

Welcome to TSN trk679 your not too far from me.

Right thats it I'm only gonna change my car when I've saved enough to buy a black facelift S8 bit like Svens cool.gif

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i'm in Slough quite often, well once a month or so racing my RC buggy, there is a really good track in Upton Court Park, over by the BMX track backing onto the motorway 169144-ok.gif

now they are some 4WD drive cars with an INSANE power to weight ratio jump.gif

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