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DB9 Sportmodificato - unique!


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grin.gif Sometimes when you get a spot you really get excited about it, or at least I do tongue.gif

grin.gif I arrived in London to deliver my car to Permagard for its early annual service treatment and to apply the paint protection to the panel that had been resprayed from the accident at xmas - and nearly dropped my chips when I saw what was sitting there, just ready to be collected....






grin.gif The pics really can't come close to describing what in impact this car has - it is incredible - sitting next to another spanking new DB9, it made the standard model look 'average' EEK2.GIF

grin.gif It sits much lower than a normal DB9 on beautiful rims with a paintjob that was so sparkling it gave my cameraphone problems! The interior is probably the best I've ever seen in a car, pure class - a credit to the owner, a very nice chap who was taking it to a concours event later that day notworthy.gif

(apologies for the quality of the pics - combination of phone and excitment = rubbish pics - some more here )

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