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What makes a good car sales executive.


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Right guys and girls i need your input.

A question has been asked of one of my friends and he is now stumped. He is trying to get a job as a sales man in a ford dealership and one of the questions asked on the application is about what makes a good salesman.

I have given him a few things from my point of view but as i was crap at it i thought i would ask for your opinions.

What would make you think a sales person was outstanding at their job.?

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Customer service, attention to detail, honesty, integrity, product knowledge, ability to get on with people and get them "on side", ability to close a deal.

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And remember, the customer is not interested in you, only in how you can meet their needs, good salesmen talk less and listen more. And I am 100% in agreement with Ari on his comments too.

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Customer service, attention to detail, honesty, integrity, product knowledge, ability to get on with people and get them "on side", ability to close a deal.

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And remember, the customer is not interested in you, only in how you can meet their needs, good salesmen talk less and listen more. And I am 100% in agreement with Ari on his comments too.

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Exactly "benefits" get a sale, not product features...

This review of the above book I posted a link to is pretty spot on... 169144-ok.gif


This book will teach you how to listen to your customer and establish their needs, through a series of Sales linked questions (Situation/Problem/ Imlication/Needs-based). Once you get your head around the process it is a real eye opener and quite simple to use. Through your questioning you basically try to establish the needs of the customer, identify any problems they have, discuss the implications of those problems (eg. in wasted time or monetary terms) and then create the desire for your product to resolve their issues. After all "features" don't sell a product but "benefits" do!

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right i'v obviously gone to the wrong dealerships as i never found a salesperson with integrity.

My problem was i was to honest so ended up putting people off buying through us and usually sent them somewhere where the after sales care was superior. Our after sales team was shocking they dont give a f*ck about you or the truck just what they can get out of your wallet. I would rather put myself out of a job than put people through using us if they could save money and get a better service at another place. Stupid really but that was why i was no good at selling.

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So if we think that the best sales person from a buyers perspective is as Ari had stated then how can you give that level of customer service while giving target driven results. The dealership in question is Busseys Ford in Norwich. They are very customer focused and very very helpful (from experience) But i guess they like all dealerships want your money and the more they can get the better.

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So if we think that the best sales person from a buyers perspective is as Ari had stated then how can you give that level of customer service while giving target driven results.

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If a salesman gives that level of service then the results should come by themselves.

Or to put it another way, a sales person shouldn't be looking after targets, he should be looking after customers.

To use your example of your truck salesmen not giving a dung.gif about aftersales service or the customers, well they might get a better sale initially, but how many of their customers come back I wonder?

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A good sales person is someone who looks after the customer through the buying process, is honest, knows the products and the alternatives and is willing to take time through it.

One thing that a good sales person will do, is to ring up the customer 4/5 weeks after receiving the car to see how they are getting on with it and if they are any problems.

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I've always found that short sales people are effective. wink.gif

Especially when selling Audis. 169144-ok.gif

Seriously - doing what they say they will do, being human, giving a little (even when you know they are still doing well!), throwing in some freebies, treating you as if you have a brain, not trying to blind you with science, making time for you, listening. grin.gif

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