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Symphony Safe Mode


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I know this should go in the ICE section but thought I would get a quicker response in here grin.gif

For some reason my Symphony has gone into safe mode. I thought it would only do this if the unit was removed from the DIN cage ?

My owner's manual is in MK and I am in North Wales at the moment, can anyone shed any light as to what combination of keys I need to press to get it out of safe mode and more to the point why would have gone into safe mode in the first place ?

Thanks in advance beerchug.gif

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In my S3, my Bose symphony did this once or twice for no reason at all...gremlins I guess. You need the radio code to activate it back again and I think (I may not be right as I'm telling you this off the top of my head) the right combo of buttons to press is TP+RDS when switching the radio on, put in the code and TP+RDS again

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