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Which remap & expected increases..


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Well I've now done about 750 miles in the 2.0T S.E. and it seems to have loosened up a fair bit now smirk.gif.

I was just wondering which comapanies provide the best remap/chip upgrade and what my expected gains are..?

Is there an option that is "invisible" to the dealer or that can be switched back to stock when servicing etc?

Also do I need to wait for a few more miles (hopefully not, as I feel the car really does need more oomph..SLEEP5.GIF )

As the car is the S.E. and has therefore been tweaked already to 220BHP, what realistically can I expect with a remap - 245-250..?

Any advice welcome, especially with regards to preferred options and warranty issues...



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Revo have a map available for the 220hp TFSi motor. Should make 260+hp and knowing Revo from previous experience it will be a tad quick... Warranty will be affected no matter what certain tuners may say (only parts directly affected by the tuning though i.e. turbo + major engine components)and you need to tell insurance too.

Details here...


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Cheers guys, I'll have a look on the Revo website....

I know 750 miles isn't properly run in yet Sparky, but I'm impatient, and I figure that if I do my homework now, I'll probably have done around 1500-2000 miles in a weeks time - and surely that should be "run-in" enough to accept a remap without any major issues.

I'm sure the performance will get better once I get towards the 5000 mile mark, but coming from an M3 I know its not going to be quick enough as standard, and due to other commitments couldn't run to the S4 just yet...


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Do you like smooth power delivery, or neck-snapping delivery of power?

Revo supposedly give you more power earlier on, where as AmD is more smooth, and there are others like Star Performance too.

You've got the options of one-click systems, where the remap is stored along side your original map on a dongle that within 4 mins you can switch over, or the likes of a full re-map from AMD where they remap the car and you're stuck with it, unless you go back to them to get it altered.

I prefer the one-click idea so I can turn it off before a service!


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The Audi feels very "point and squirt" anyway (as a 4 pot Turbo engines generally do), so I certainly don't want it "all or nothing" - I'm after smooth increases in power and most importantly torque...

The Revo site looks good & I like the idea of a free 5 hour "try before you buy" remap in your own car to really see what its like..

Whatever option I go for I definately need to be able to switch it to stock setting myself, as the car has ben bought through the company, and Ithere could be the possibility of someone else needing to drive it occasionally..


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In that case, if you go with Revo, ask for the SPS1/SPS3 boxes. That lets you disable the remap.

I think that both remaps wit Revo are stored in the cars' ECU, and the SPS1 box switches between them. This means the remap is more "visible" to a dealer that goes looking for it, rather than the One-click which contains the remap and stock maps on the dongle and uploads/download as and when you want to swap, ensuring only one map is in the ECU at any one time.

Coming from an M3, you're going to struggle I think to see anything like what you had before. crazy.gif

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As the car is the S.E. and has therefore been tweaked already to 220BHP, what realistically can I expect with a remap - 245-250..?

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I know some tuners are getting 265+ from a Re-Map and Milltek exhaust system only. blush.gif Not bad at all 169144-ok.gif

I agree with Sparky better to wait until Star/AMD/Millford release a DualSystem/OneClick box for the 2.0Tfsi. That way you can put the car back totally standard if any issues arise, rather than having some tuners code all over your ECU interfering with Audis diagnostic equipment.


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I think that both remaps wit Revo are stored in the cars' ECU, and the SP1 box switches between them. This means the remap is more "visible" to a dealer that goes looking for it, rather than the One-click which contains the remap and stock maps on the dongle and uploads/download as and when you want to swap, ensuring only one map is in the ECU at any one time.

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You beat me to it Sparky. tongue.gif

BUB 169144-ok.gif

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In that case, if you go with Revo, ask for the SPS1/SPS3 boxes. That lets you disable the remap.

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Not on the 2.0TFSi they dont... smashfreakB.gif theres a new device coming or already out to cover this. The ECu's are different from the old 1.8T and hence the switching is also different.

You need one of these... ECLIPSe.gif


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Looking at the Revo website, their sample dyno plots show increases for the 2.0 FSI engine of 213 to 262BHP and from 227.4 to 302.9 ft lb of torque, which seems pretty impressive I have to say.

Its definately looking like the SPS2 OBD2 "dongle" is winning at the moment..!

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Warranty will be affected no matter what certain tuners may say (only parts directly affected by the tuning though i.e. turbo + major engine components)and you need to tell insurance too.

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Not entirely 100% true wrt warranty. I had my S3 chipped and the only thing that was not covered under the Audi warranty was the chip itself. All mechanical components, turbo/major mechanical parts, were covered. The chip itself was covered by the tuners, superchips, warranty. I know this because my car was remapped by Listers Audi, Birmingham, on behalf of superchips.

With repsect to insurance I did not tell mine and how were they to know any different. Insurers do not request RR plots along with proof of no cliams. Some insurers do not bump up your premium others do. Remapping is one of the best mods money can buy if you have a induced engine. My S3 felt like a new car never regretted it and you won't. Money well spent 169144-ok.gif

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Not entirely 100% true wrt warranty. I had my S3 chipped and the only thing that was not covered under the Audi warranty was the chip itself. All mechanical components, turbo/major mechanical parts, were covered. The chip itself was covered by the tuners, superchips, warranty. I know this because my car was remapped by Listers Audi, Birmingham, on behalf of superchips.

With repsect to insurance I did not tell mine and how were they to know any different. Insurers do not request RR plots along with proof of no cliams. Some insurers do not bump up your premium others do.

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If your dealer told you that it would only be because they were supplying the remap and it suited them to do that. I stick by what I said in that directly affected components would NOT be covered under Audi's warranty. Also I'd think again if you are under the impression that insurers dont check crashed car ECU's, one of my cousins works as a loss adjuster for a well known insurance company and if they have the slightest clue that the cars been modded they'll be onto it.

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That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. I speak from experience after going through the ritual, remap, and also having warranty work performed on the car after it was remapped. Faulty DV and cracked/split hoses, items whose performance and integrity are related to increases in performance attained fronm a remap.

As for the insurers how are they to have this "slightest" clue as to whether or not a car has been modded do they have esp or something.

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They probably won't EssFour; you're right in that respect. However if your car is stolen or your are in an accident and a diagnostic is done on the car to determine any CPU fault and they find you have had it remapped with out telling them, it is any reason for the insurabnce company not to pay out.

As for the warranty, I have not chipped my S4 but have a full exhaust system on, along the lines of what you have said in that they will not cover the parts directly affected by the modification so exhaust parts don't do much harm, but altering a CPU program alters a number of engine factors which if detailed not to be within the tolerances of OEM components and seen as putting a significant strain on those components more than in standard perfomacen perameters, they will not be covered.

It's all very subjective but as said Audi usually just frown on any non Audi approved mods 'cos they don't get the money.

As for my S4, the business heads hate the fact I have a modded exhaust and berate me for it whereas the mechanics and service manager give the thumbs up!

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That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. I speak from experience after going through the ritual, remap, and also having warranty work performed on the car after it was remapped. Faulty DV and cracked/split hoses, items whose performance and integrity are related to increases in performance attained fronm a remap.

As for the insurers how are they to have this "slightest" clue as to whether or not a car has been modded do they have esp or something.

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Listers may have been slightly economical with the truth in this instance. Some Audi dealerships will offer a chipping service through a local tuner, and agree to warranty that work, but that warranty is normally only valid with that dealership (or dealerships if they're a group).

It is definitely not an Audi UK policy to continue to offer a full warranty on chipped cars. Unaffected parts can and will be replaced.

Don't believe me? Ring up Listers and ask them what would happen if your car blew up while on a trip to Scotland, for example.

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That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. I speak from experience after going through the ritual, remap, and also having warranty work performed on the car after it was remapped. Faulty DV and cracked/split hoses, items whose performance and integrity are related to increases in performance attained fronm a remap.

As for the insurers how are they to have this "slightest" clue as to whether or not a car has been modded do they have esp or something.

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As I say, its down to whether it suits your dealer or not, i.e. they supplied the remap in the first place. On the insurance subject his words were if its got anything other than standard kit i.e. wheels, exhaust etc or if its a turbo he will check as a matter of course.

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Have just spoken to a company in Cambridge called "Torquing BHP", who were listed as a REvo dealer, but have now stopped using them and provide their own remapping software.

They seemed very helpful over the phone, and although the rema isn't switchable via an "SPS" type dongle they will revert back to stock FOC for the life of the remapo for servicing etc, and claim tha there is no trace at all of the remap left in the ECU for the dealers to find.

Price would be £450 + VAT, and have been recommended to wait until at least 1200 miles before having done.

Has anyone here used them or can anyone recomend them at all..?



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