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www.audi-sport.net gone?


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likewise. I think audi-sport is hosted on amds website smashfreakB.gif

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You are correct, it was taken over by AMD about 2.5-3 years ago. There was another site set up by the creator of AS.net but that seems to have died on it's arse too.


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Aint half the members there also members here?

It was Audi-sport.net that led me here I thinks, I know this is a more popular forum but I wouldn't say TSN competes with Audi-sport, its not as if you have to pay to be a member, but yep it has more blackouts than Baghdad

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There is history between the two sites, and Audi sports previous owner.

The original Tyresmoke founder members were all Audi-sport members once upon a time.

to cut a long long story short, there was a split, the backbone regular posters up and left, in support of their friends, and tyresmoke was born.

Tyresmoke was founded initially on its Audi enthusiasts, and has grown from that, to what you see today, from "new blood", and long term members changing to new marques etc.

Audi sport is maintained/owned by someone else now, both sites just continue as normal, and yes there is quite a few familiar names on each.

much the same as quite a few of us post on UK-TT forum and RS246.com etc. 169144-ok.gif

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