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Gave Her A Damn Good Thrashing Last Night...


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...and what a great time I had! FIREdevil.gif

With a few hundred miles on the clock now I decided it was time to open it up a little. I planned a route on the TomTom that took in the delights of the A57 Snake Pass and off I went, with the sun just about to dip below the horizon. cool.gif

The car performed flawlessly, I love the way it's so effortless to drive even at 9/10ths. I felt I could have pushed it a lot harder but that's not wise when you're still getting to know a new car.

The sat nav set to 'shortest route' took me on a few interesting roads to say the least; mental note: only use that setting when you don't mind driving down single track roads in the dark! Still, a good chance to test the xenons, which I'm happy to report are very good.

Checked the 'puta when I got back and was very pleased to see 27.8mpg too.

Here's to the next time. beerchug.gif

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