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Ministers scrap congestion targets


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I reckon put up some more speed cameras, in genuine danger spots, and pump the money made directly back into those police CCTV vans, where they spot untaxed/uninsured drivers.

Heck, id happily pay congestion charges, if the money went to improve the roads, or put more police on the roads.

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I reckon put up some more speed cameras, in genuine danger spots, and pump the money made directly back into those police CCTV vans, where they spot untaxed/uninsured drivers.

Heck, id happily pay congestion charges, if the money went to improve the roads, or put more police on the roads.

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Trouble is Snail, more cops = more speed traps/laser swingers, it's a circle of crap, these guys just get paid for hiding up slip-roads and nicking U & I not working to catch the real villans. smashfreakB.gif

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