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How I got my camera


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Too many people carrying guns. That's one more reason that I will never live in America!

The dude in the Beemer really needs to learn to avoid such feckwits, not confront them. What if they had guns too?

Nice vid though! 169144-ok.gif

Those muppets did deserve to have their camera taken & keys thrown away. Idiots.


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Its something that I've seen a few times, although not as extreme.

I've had people yell 'hairdresser' at me while I've been parking, had an Espace sit right next to me for mile after mile on the A303, refusing to overtake and then speeding up and pulling alongside me again when I speeded up until I smacked on the brakes and took a random exit and sped off as I was getting paranoid about what he was doing, and various other incidents.

Some people just seem to have a bug up there ass.

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Nah, I'd say it was genuine because the guy in the Z4 was of a nervous stance throughout his speaking and his body language showed all the signs of someone protecting himself in what he viewed as a dangerous situation for real.

I don't blame him either. Personally I'd have got ID from the truck too, oh, and dropped the camera in at the local police station.

That said, well I guess they've seen it now anyway.

Theres a lesson in it though - its a dangerous world out there - take care TSNers and avoid pr1cks like those at all costs.

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I'd suggest that was merely the blokes translation of the people following him - and who's to know whos pick-up it was?

I just think it'd have been put very together very differently if staged. Could be part of the bluff of course, but it's the Z4 drivers mannerisms that do it for me. Genuine nervous fear is very hard to act.

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Quite amusing. I'd NEVER have gone down a dead end dirt road though. Certainly not when up against at 4x4.

I would also have been a little freaked when they started getting aggressive and following him. If it wasn't staged then its worrying that there's people out there with that sort of attitude. Clearly there are though. Once they started going out of their way to follow I would have put my foot down, on the other side of the road if need be and gotten the hell away from them. I certainly wouldn't have headed into a traffic situation or even worse down a dead end gravel road.

Unless I had an M16 in the boot of course grin.gif

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Just seen this as we can't watch video's at work - and I'm inclined to think it's real - the guy in the BMW has ovbiously edited it - but I reckon if it was staged then it would have been a bit wilder.

The guy in the BMW did try to outrun the truck - but those Toyota Tundras have a brilliant 4.7 V8 under the hood - with somewhere in the region of 300 bhp - so it wouldn't be as easy to get away from as people might think.

Also, the Tundra is a very popular pickup - it's produced in the States too - so there isn't really the whole 'domestic' issue any more.

I think it's a horrible form of happy slapping 'deluxe' and it's frankly scary... Some people have such a massive chip on their shoulder ROLLEY~14.GIF

Looked like a nice wee Z4 - really like them 169144-ok.gif

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I watched it with the mindset that it was a set up (I'm such a cynic), but I don't think it was, the BMW driver seemed very nervy and stressed up, even the way he holds the gun is like he's nervous of it and what he's doing with it. You really got the impression that adrenalin was taking over his actions.

I think if it had been staged he'd have been a bit more "James Bond cool" about it all.

It is hard to know what would be the best to do in those circs though. He clearly couldn't outrun the pickup, there was too much traffic and the pick up was too quick (not like an empty autobahn where he could have just floored it up to 150mph and driven away from it).

I presonally don't think I'd have indulged in the gestures once it started going bad, but I guess at that stage he felt safe in his car and there was probably some face saving going on in front of his girlfriend.

If it were real, then it could so easily have gone very very bad if he'd not got a gun (middle of no where, two rednecks with a grudge and a bat, and him on his own plus a girl there too, doesn't bear thinking about). And equally they could so easily have been carrying a gun too, being America, again potentially a very nasty outcome.

Quite a funny outcome as it turned out, but could have been a very seriously bad situation. crazy.gif

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It's not illegal to have guns in America though is it? And the video shows he was being threatened. Plus he didn't shoot anyone. So presumably he's not actually done anything illegal.

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grin.gif I think its illegal to carry a concealed weapon - and I'm pretty sure its illegal to wave one around to steal someones camcorder whilst saying "thanks for my birthday present" yelrotflmao.gif

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It's not illegal to have guns in America though is it? And the video shows he was being threatened. Plus he didn't shoot anyone. So presumably he's not actually done anything illegal.

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grin.gif I think its illegal to carry a concealed weapon - and I'm pretty sure its illegal to wave one around to steal someones camcorder whilst saying "thanks for my birthday present" yelrotflmao.gif

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All depends on the state. In some states you can carry a gun in the car, but it must be empty and the ammo must be in the boot (trunk).

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