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Car Auctions


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Now seeing as though I may have to downgrade from my beloved GTI and recoup some cash, I was wondering whether i should dabble in the auctions.

Now i'm not after anything specific, just the best that my money can buy.

Does anyone have any experience with these, or know where the good ones are.

There is one down the road from me in Enfield that looks OK.

Any help would be appreciated


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Auctions are a hit or miss affair. one week you might see something you like but might go for above your budget but you might not see anything for ages. Even then, there isn't any guarantee on the car being reliable and able to last for a while or having any major faults. The best ones to go for are probably the ex-fleet cars as they are usuall yover serviced and in the condition that they got them in and not tarted up to disguise anything.

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Does anyone know where you could find a list of when and where car auctions are on in your area?

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If you search on google for auction houses in your area, they will each have their own website which lists weekly auction times. BCA Auctions certainly have a list on their website and have sites across the UK. They also list special event auctions where a certain manufacturer or certain company will be well represented 169144-ok.gif

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Go for it!

My mate bought an ex NCS Audi A4 2.4 SE. No serivce history, but you know it was serviced!

Sweet as a nut, and was great. he sold it one for profit after 6 months!

You can get some mighty fine stuff at ex-fleet auctions. Any hint of big car or bigish engine, and the traders will not really go for it, so you can get a real bargain!

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I've often thought of paying auctions a visit - then chickened out at the last minute. I might still get to one and have a peek as an observer, but I'm a bit worried I might end up buying something I really don't need and probably don't want when I'm there!

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grin.gif its all about the willpower tongue.gifjump.gif

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I spent an enjoyable couple of months working as a driver at the BCA site in Glasgow.

Certianly opened my eyes to the whole shebang.

For what it's worth - I wouldn't hesitate to buy an ex fleet (normal) car as there were dozens of transporters a week arriving from Coventry, Essex, Luton etc and disgorging ex fleet and ex rental Pugs, Fords and VXs.

There were also the finance house auctions - and the state of some of the repossesed cars is absolutely horrific. As I was the new boy, on my first day I had to move a 1 year old Micra. I think the notice to reclaim it was issued about 3 months before the company got it - and the woman had let her chickens and dogs live in it. I showered for days after that experience - the smell, the fur, the poop and worst of all - the mould everywhere from the damp [shudder]

We never had any of the specific 'prestige' auctions - although plenty of nice cars came through. To be honest - I felt that most of them were really a bit rough - and that getting them presentable would eat up the potential savings.

Oh - and you don't want to think about the tight parking and manovering that constantly went on - I would avoid a car with a flappy paddle box from an auction - and that's without me telling the stories of drivers trying to get the SMG on an M3 to work grin.gif

And then there's the fact that the cars are parked for a few days in a fairly rough area - goodness knows what's thrown at them etc...

I was getting a year old Mondeo from the car park one day - got in and started the engine. Was about to move away when the drivers window shattered. Found the air rifle pellet in the footwell - a chav in the local high flats was taking pot shots blush.gifgrin.gif

So in summary - an ex fleet Mondeo etc that won't be there for long is fine. Anything from a prestige auction would probably also be fine - as they probably will have been shipped in from fleets and manufacturers just for the auction.

But - a random selection of nice cars at a general auction - I would be careful. IMO there is a reason that the car has ended up at auction and not back on the forecourt it was traded to or sent to a trader directly.

Everyone should go to a few though just for the experience - absolutely fascinating way to spend a few hours 169144-ok.gif

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I have a few car dealer mates that have spent most of there adult life in car auctions/sale rooms, there advice is always the same: -

Never buy a car the first time you go to a car auction,

First time you go have a look around read all the sign, then see how it all works, how you purchase vehicles, what percentage is added on to the bid price and try remembering the people that are there and what they buy. Also try and get a view of all the traders and remember there price range as most traders buy cars in a certain price range.

Also try going for ex lease cars/company cars or dealer trade in's as they are will have had a inspection pre auctions which will report any major faults or issues will the vehicle

Good luck 169144-ok.gif

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