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When did you know about build week?


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I'm buying from a main dealer - ordered on 27th June, and haven't heard anything yet regarding delivery or build week.

When I phone, I'm told that they don't want to promise any date until they're sure, and once it's confirmed, they'll let me know. Hmmmmm.

I was also told that the factory closed for 3 weeks in the summer (end of july, beginning of august) is this right?


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Ranter > Yes, factory closes but I thought it was only 2 weeks. UK VW dealer should tell you within a couple of weeks cos it will be logged onto the networked tracking system as soon as Wolfsburg sees your order.

Quasimoto > Yes, about 8 weeks is usually right for an import dealer.

Have fun waiting! grin.gif Tee Hee. How you will suffer!!

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Cheers RR, the dealer did say that the order was on the system... Ho Hum...I'll just have to learn patience. I've a holiday booked for the start of November, and knowing my luck, the car will arrive the morning I'm due to fly, and I'll spend the holiday wishing I was back home in my new motor!

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Cheers Red'-kinda reassured now,guess the main thing is that the car's kosher when it gets here.

''tee-hee'' is it? fekr.gif

Tried to tell you before,Tornado red is the prefered colour of SATAN!!

It'll be tee-hee from the hunchback once BEELZEBUB gets into your electrics as deeply as he did on my Tornado red mk3,oh,you'll be sorry..........(mutter,mutter!)

Why's tyresmoke so much fun??!! 169144-ok.gif <font color="blue"> </font>

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