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New job or not??


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Having a bit of a dilemma at work.

My job's a bit up and down at present. I've got a new boss and some days he's ok, others he's a complete tw@t. Various reasons - laziness, no social skills, doesnt speak all day (Tuesday we sat from 8am til 6pm and not one word from him other than 'yes' or 'no's to my questions and chit chat! - not good!) Today though, I spent the day with my MD looking at a job and thought what a bloody nice chap he was and what a good company i worked for.

Anyway, on Monday afternoon i got a mafia-like phone call of an agency. Totally out of the blue. I looked at jobs a couple of months back but not with this agency. Apparently, one of the 'top six' want me to work for them. Sounds a good package but i'm just not sure if i want to move!

I'm meeting their HR guy tomorrow at a neutral location for a chat. I don't need to move though so am not going to beg for a job, i will hear what he has to say and await his offer but i'm just not sure if i want to move. One bit of me is staying stick but another is saying 'well, your boss is a tw@t and the others have already promised to beat your current salary', which is pushing me a little. I know you shouldn't just choose the better paid job and that there's more to life than money, but at 23 with a large mortgage to pay (ok, maybe small compared to some but a big chunk of our joint income per month!), money is rather important at this stage in life.

Just to mix up the whole thing even more though, a sub-contractor i work with called today and said in 2-3 months time he may want me to work for him with a view to setting up a remote office. I like the sound of this, just mega-mileage to start with.

Any thoughts??

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Oh and another thing, i'm pretty much guaranteed a good bonus at Xmas if i stay.

Do i stay and risk a sh1t job for a while for the sake of some extra £££. If i move, chances are i will get zip all in terms of Xmas bonus. Do i ask the other company to wait and tell them i will start mid-Jan 07?

This way i could also hear what the s/contractor has to offer.

Oh - so much to consider!!

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Suppose so.

Like most of the people i work with at the moment but i've been here since i was 18 and still feel like i get treating like the young lad who knows fcuk all!

Since then i've got a degree and am half-way to become chartered. Of the 10 people i work with, only myself and one other have started the chartered thing. Speaks volumes if you ask me - no one else can be bothered.

Yet, i'm probably in the bottom few in terms of remuneration!

I was thinking 5 years at one place is a good thing at my age and if i stay will be looked upon well in climbing the career ladder here, but i really don't think that any more - i think it's a case of 'he's happy here and won't move so let's pay him as little as poss'. No way guys!

See what this chap has to say anyway. He wanted to meet me at 6.00am in the morning at first but i've sorted it for 6pm this evening. Will keep y'all posted.

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Talk to them, find out who the other company is & then try to find out what it is like to work there, company financials etc. (though if one of the "big 6" I assume these are OK !).

If they are offering you a lot more money you are either completely undervalued in your current job (so should go) or they are going to "sweat" the extra out of you - which you may or may not enjoy.

If you decide to leave explain to your boss your reasons (financial) & try not to burn any bridges as if the culture is a lot different you may be suprised how much you do (or don't) like it !

Not trying to sound negative just know a few people who jumped & then realised there was more to a job than the salary cheque though I can see from your post you are aware of this aspect I was suprised how my friends had underestimated this.



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I thought you were looking at going to work in Dubai? 169144-ok.gif

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I got a conditional offer for that. It was a case of sign up now and we'll send you in 2008 when you've done 18 months with the company in the UK. I didn't think that sounded too bad until they said i'd be based at their Essex office which is about 300 miles away from here!!

I'd be prepared to move overseas whereby i can rent my UK house out, but a move to Essex would mean selling up and buying there - not something im prepared to do!

I did get an offer for the Falklands - now - but i did a google search of the falklands and as one local put it 'it's just a rock in the middle of the sea, covered in squaddies and penguins with really nothing to do whatsoever!'

So i kind of knocked an overseas move on the head for now.

Was it you that was looking into surveying Dazdot?? Can't remember now??

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Was it you that was looking into surveying Dazdot?? Can't remember now??

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It was mate, I just never did anything about it. crazy.gif Story of my life, have an idea then do nothing with it. 169144-ok.gif

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You want to give it a go?? I can help!

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