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Guilty until proved Innocent...


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Read in a newspaper the other day (not the Currant Bun) that Chief Constables were actively seeking, among other things, "Interim disqualification on motorists, pending appearance in court" !! Why do the authorities seem to think that motorists are criminals?

The other things they were seeking related to ASBOs etc and were far more justifiable imo. 'Pending appearance in court' can take months!!

An American Indian mate of mine spent a whole year, yes that's 12 months!, in Brixton and then Wandsworth jails on remand and then was found (rightly!) to be innocent. He only came over for a long weekend visit. I visited him every couple of weeks and could tell you many stories.

I thought that the justice system in this part of the world treated you as Innocent until proved Guilty. Not so, it seems. the_finger.gif

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Last time I was arrested the attitude is far from Innocent until proven guilty - it is the complete opposite.

Treatment I recieved was pretty poor to be honest and when I complained about it apparently the CCTV was not working so there was no footage available to prove my comments - just amazing.

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I think you are right, garcon (as usual!) about drink driving, driving without tax/insurance to have their licences removed immediately, and for their cars to be immediately impounded - This is already happening in Hampshire and cars are being crushed after a period of opportunity. But "dangerous driving" isn't always clear cut and is a term which can be used to cover offences which don't merit disqualification until properly proved. Dangerous driving is a very generic and sometimes subjective term.

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True - dangerous driving would need some sensible interpretation and discretion applied by police oficers for it not to be used as a kind of 'catch all'. As a driver, you'd be pretty annoyed if you were initially arrested for dangerous driving and had your licence taken, only to find that come your court appearance the charge has been commuted to speeding or due care.

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"They" (*) need a variant of Napoleonic Law to be able to beat you up with things like speed cameras and the like...

The onus is always on you to prove innocence, not (as it should be) on them to prove guilt.

(*) As I'm watching the 4th series of X Files - "They" are the police state enforcers of the miltary-industrial-entertainment complex. grin.gif

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(*) As I'm watching the 4th series of X Files - "They" are the police state enforcers of the miltary-industrial-entertainment complex. grin.gif

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If it helps you to understand things, I can use very small words, and maybe pictures...

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