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The Power of TSN


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One of my good friends faced a difficult decision, how to buy the right car at the right price, without knowing anything about cars. The idea was to buy a new BMW Convertible M Sport Edition with all the goodies on it but at a price that suited his budget.

Now I know nothing about BMW's, so a few PM's later and an ideal car is identified. I then put my friend into bat and I've just received clarification that the deal is done and he's well chuffed !!

So, just to prove that if you need help, TSN can be a brilliant source.

Thanks to one specific TSN member for going out of his way to make my friend's day !! beerchug.gif TP.

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Thanks to one specific TSN member for going out of his way to make my friend's day !! beerchug.gif TP.

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Your wish is my command. 169144-ok.gif

But don't take that literally as I know some Scots can be a bit 'odd'. yelrotflmao.gifwink.gif

Oh, and the car looks absolutely lovely. I know that because it had pride of place in the middle of the showroom on Saturday. If they don't look after him properly on delivery, let me know because it's all useful ammunition when I next change my car! smile.gif

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If they don't look after him properly on delivery, let me know because it's all useful ammunition when I next change my car! smile.gif

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I think they're trying to turn it around tomorrow !! They're even trying to find him a decent number plate. 169144-ok.gif

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If they don't look after him properly on delivery, let me know because it's all useful ammunition when I next change my car! smile.gif

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I think they're trying to turn it around tomorrow !! They're even trying to find him a decent number plate. 169144-ok.gif

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Yes, the number plate thing is something they're very good at. They'll normally manage to find something eye catching if asked. I think they just make them up. yelrotflmao.gif

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