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service intervals


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Despite having repeatedly told VW Oldham that I wanted to confirm that my car was on the clever servicing (IE not fixed) and they kept saying it was, yet at 8300 miles it's telling me to get to a garage for a service in the next 1000miles.

Is this the car being sensitive? Or human error? I drive on motorways 95% of the time, so do I just get them to reset it or is it not that simple?

All knowledge much appreciated

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I would say that is on fixed, as variable would be at approx 15,000 miles, especially as all your driving is motorway, unless it is different on the R32's.

On all the previous VW's I have had the first service on 'variable' has been anywhere from 14k to 24k, dependant on how the vehicle was driven. 169144-ok.gif

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car was born on the 1st of March 06, and I don't rag it all that much, so I would like to think it is still on fixed servicing and can be reset, but we shall see.

Especially as I have a free first service for all the bother I had in the ealry days of its arrival, would rather have a costly variable service, than waste the freebie on a fixed one.

May get the oil changed though, as have read on here that it can cause long term good for the car!

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