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On it's way out?


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My 32" Sony CRT is flickering as if it's getting some form of electrical interferance. lines across the screen no matter if i'm watching a DVD or with Cable. So does this mean it's on it's way out??

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My Panasonic had green horizontal lines across the screen shortly before it went completely.

On a similar topic, my father-in-law's CRT telly is getting very blurry in the corners. Is there any way to fix it? (other than stop drinking so much Stella!)

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Thats a shame, because my new telly has started flickering too, DVD plugged into the top box though. Have called VM and they've said i'm getting a lot of noise down the signal (apparently she did a test) and the top box should be replaced, sounded far to coincidental that yours is doing the same thing!

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