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visa card fraud


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had a text from visa today asking me to ring them asap,turns out some scumbag was using my card number today frown.gif

Due to the fact visa were monitering my card due to 3 small amounts going out last month without my knowledge, they were only able to buy about £390s worth of goods.

Well done visa 169144-ok.gif

the downside is i had to cut up my card and have to wait for a new one So guys and girls keep checking your accounts

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Just as well they were monitoring your account!

Why they can't send the police round to the delivery addresses of the goods, I'll never know!

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not as simple as you may think, I work in this industry for a company that specialises in online fraud and payments, and the address verification system that the UK and US use will only check the numeric values in the first line of the address and the postal code only. therefore it is extremely dependant upon the customer/cardholder entering the correct address, if its out slightly like flat 14 on one line or 14 on line 1 and flat on line two and it doesnt match the issuing bank it will be a mis match.

Therefore this leads to false positives. Many merchants do not use the AVS checking system in the fraud detection screening as its simply not reliable.


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had a text from visa today asking me to ring them asap,turns out some scumbag was using my card number today frown.gif

Due to the fact visa were monitering my card due to 3 small amounts going out last month without my knowledge, they were only able to buy about £390s worth of goods.

Well done visa 169144-ok.gif

the downside is i had to cut up my card and have to wait for a new one So guys and girls keep checking your accounts

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Mate where did they try to spend the money? was it online? if so do you know which business it was?

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Just as well they were monitoring your account!

Why they can't send the police round to the delivery addresses of the goods, I'll never know!

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Another reason why they cant do that is this is what we term as "digital goods" which means that the there is no phsycial address to "ship goods to" consequently, the merchant will do the following when a card payment is done: Authorisation and instantly also call for the settlement (requesting of funds). However the settlement will only be sent at just before midnight of that business day.


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My card had £2000 done in May, mostly Easijet and FX booths.

Phoned up |Easyjet and told them and asked for the name on the Airline tickets purchased.

Sir "under the data protection act we cannot give you these details"

But, but, but I paid for them and want the details..no can / could do.

Told Barclays fraud and they don't give a toss. Had 95% of the damage taken off the card / statement, but the hunting down of fraudsters is a farce.

No wonder so many people are getting involved with the collection side of card fraud. There's no accountablity and the card firms don't seem to give a toss.

After all buying a plane ticket, requires traveller ID due to terror security and a passport. A no brainer to catch such use- if they could be bothered.....

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Just had a phone call from the office to say that my company Barclaycard has been done for about £5k. First suspicions are that it's a member of staff who went AWOL at the beginning of the week frown.gif

Good job I've got another bit of company plastic as I'm out in Germany this week.

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My card had £2000 done in May, mostly Easijet and FX booths.

Phoned up |Easyjet and told them and asked for the name on the Airline tickets purchased.

Sir "under the data protection act we cannot give you these details"

But, but, but I paid for them and want the details..no can / could do.

Told Barclays fraud and they don't give a toss. Had 95% of the damage taken off the card / statement, but the hunting down of fraudsters is a farce.

No wonder so many people are getting involved with the collection side of card fraud. There's no accountablity and the card firms don't seem to give a toss.

After all buying a plane ticket, requires traveller ID due to terror security and a passport. A no brainer to catch such use- if they could be bothered.....

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Many merchants make it very difficult to actually trace fraud for the actual card holder.

In order to fight this you need to review your Credit card terms and conditions. by law you are covered for any fraudulant transactions. I would suggest you clarify with your issuing bank how they have classed the transaction you are disputing. In theory you should be credited back the FULL amount. They will then talk to the merchant bank who will chase the money down from the merchant. They have 14 days to defend it if they can prove without doubt you made the transaction. There is a catch tho...Im not sure how many of you have heard of Verified by VIsa and MasterCard secure code?

If in doubt PM me...im happy to explain this and how it effects you as a customer.


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Bloody hell what is going on at the moment, thats a few of us all affected within the space of a week or so. To say i'm worried is an understatement EEK2.GIF

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It happends more often than you think and in all honesty it is not difficult to do it either....how many of you actually shred your mail, regardless if it is sensitive or junk mail? how often do you check your bank statements? once a month when they come in the post or online everyday?

Fraudsters are very soophisticated...and IT smart to say the least!

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TK Max anyone jump.gif


Customers of discount clothing chain TK Maxx have today been warned that their credit cards could be used by criminals for fraudulent transactions, after the retailer confirmed that financial and personal data relating to UK shoppers has been stolen from the company as part of a wider data security breach.

The theft, already one of the world's largest incidents of corporate data theft, has so far seen US-based retailer TJX admit that 45.7 million credit and debit cards was stolen from the company in a computer data security breach over an 18-month period.

The firm also confirmed that as well as financial data, thieves were able to copy customer's personal information - including names, addresses driving licence and other identification data - belonging to approximately 451,000 people who had returned goods to stores without a receipt. This is in addition to 3,600 other cases the company had previously admitted to.

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Ta Booster, but it's all sorted now. I was trying to get the details from Easijet as a good citizen, not because B'card fraud were suggesting I pay the fraud transactions 169144-ok.gif

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These type of transactions a Card Holder Not Present so how do they get the security code on the back of the card? All CHNP trnasactions now have to have this.

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quite easy if you think about it, i run a shop and a lot of my customers pay by card, now i have their address,card no. from my reciept and i had a quick peek at the security code on the back.

now all i do is pass on these details to some dodgy fecker who gives me 2 grand for every six numbers i give him,

the last bit was told to me by someone in banking circles as to what is happening at present frown.gif

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These type of transactions a Card Holder Not Present so how do they get the security code on the back of the card? All CHNP trnasactions now have to have this.

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Legally marchants are NOT permitted to capture and/or store the 3 digit (4 in the case of AMEX) security card number. This number is something that should always remain with the cardholder.

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These type of transactions a Card Holder Not Present so how do they get the security code on the back of the card? All CHNP trnasactions now have to have this.

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quite easy if you think about it, i run a shop and a lot of my customers pay by card, now i have their address,card no. from my reciept and i had a quick peek at the security code on the back.

now all i do is pass on these details to some dodgy fecker who gives me 2 grand for every six numbers i give him,

the last bit was told to me by someone in banking circles as to what is happening at present frown.gif

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this is tru to a degree...it does happen more often than you think and by law a business must be PCI compliant if they are taking payments and sensitive credit card data is hitting their website or call centre.

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this is tru to a degree...it does happen more often than you think and by law a business must be PCI compliant if they are taking payments and sensitive credit card data is hitting their website or call centre.

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grin.gif If you're talking PCI DSS there are still a lot of companies who haven't a clue what they are supposed to be doing or what their responsiblities are!

grin.gif Does your company do something like QSA or ASV work for the PCI Security Standards Council? 169144-ok.gif

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