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Recaro Problems


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Hi All,

I hate doing this, but I've done a search on Recaro, clip, and other combinations I can think of, I know that there was some discussion a while ago about the Recaros coming "unclipped" at the sides.

I'm now having the same problem on my 4 month old MK V, and was trying to find some history within the group (and hopefully some form of satifactory resolution) that the Antipodean Volkswagen dealers may not be aware of (or possibly, willing to acknowledge mad.gif)

Any pointers or help welcomed (and appreciated)

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According to VW Australia, they have ordered "parts" to resolve the issue, and they will take 10-14 days to arrive.

Now not sure whether the parts are a new seat (preferable) or a rework kit. Either way it seems that VW are aware of the problem, pity that the car I had to wait 7 months for exhibits a problem that has been known about for several months before it was built.

Also, if they are replacing the driver's seat, then I would expect the passenger's to be replaced at the same time (so that they are consistent).

Is this unreasonable?

Anyway more to follow as and when it happens.

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  • 4 weeks later...

From my experience the seats can't get repaired properly , I was promsed a replacement from Germany after trying to reject the car, nothing ever materialised. Dealer couldn't repair the seats or guarantee the quality of any repairs, so offered to swap my seats with another on the forecourt, at this point I realised they were desperate and nothing wasn't going to get done and sold the car back to them. I went through 9 months of hassle with these seats, wasted conversations, emails ... I have a dossier of mail about 100 pages thick of correspondance with VW customer service, who eventually lost my case , i was offered a shabby 100 quids worth of vouchers as compensation (what an insult!) Wish i'd never ordered the bloody things!

I think the fact that they are still sending these seats out knowing there is a design fault is a p**s take... good luck to all those who have recarros, i hope you have better luck than I did... nice seats but not worth the hassle...

If anyone needs any info, advice or pictures of my seats PM me.. don't miss the seats....still miss that sound though 169144-ok.gif

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I must say I have the recaro's in cloth for nearly a year now... and they havn't missed a beat.

They still look as fresh as the day they left the showroom..

Sorry this may not be any help but could it be the fact the leather may be more "slippy" and want to pull the sides apart?

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Had a call last week from the dealership that the "clip kit" has come in (Not the replacement seat), the kit has taken nearly a month to come in, and I'm not confident that it is going to solve the problem...... Either to my satisfaction, or permanently.

Still there's always train wreck TV (AKA Current Affairs shows). Given that the car has been back to the dealership 5 times for various problems, in as many months of ownership, I think I can get some interest, especially as the seats are a $4000 option in Australia.

WIll give you all feedback on Wednesday my time (which is when the car goes in).

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Update as promised...

My dealer fitted the clip kit to my seats on Wednesday (as well as the usual rattle hunt).

Apparently, VW Australia was unaware of any problems with the Recaros until I raised it with them <coughbullshitcough> however they got a revised clip kit from Germany which seems to resolve the problem. My dealer did the right thing and showed me the old (and new) clips side by side - the new ones seem much better designed (Sorry couldn't get a photo).

Then, at VW's expense (and my strong suggestion)they got a qualified motor trimmer, rather than a workshop apprentice to fit the kit.

Result: Seat looking like new again, because the job was done by a professional.

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