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rns E+ TMC questions

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Hi All

can someone please clarify these points for me.

I have come from a BMW nav system. With this, when the TMC noticed a problem on my route, the screen would pop up with the delay and offer an alternative route.

Now with my A4 (2007 maps)I dont get the same option.

With the voice on she tells me that there is a delay ahead, but I don't get any alternative route choice. (this seems to be the same with dynamic nav on or off)

With the voice off (the way I prefer it) I don't get any indication that there is a problem on my route, other than the red triangle on the map display.

I know I can press info to see what the delay is, but how do I get the system to naviagte round it, or offer me an alternitive route.

I have RTFM and it seems like I am missing out on somthing.

Help Please confused.gif

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On mine, she just announces there's trouble ahead and informs me that the route has been altered to avoid it. No manual intervention needed. Sometimes get the "caution incident ahead, no alternative route can be found" type announcement. Thats when I check to see how bad it looks and dive into the RNS-E settings to recalculate a route either avoiding the current road or changing the preferences to route me on non-motorway roads.

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Thanks for the quick response, Techieboy.

In the 1700 miles I have done in the car, I have never heard that annoucement, despite being stuck on the M25 twice during recent accidents. The little red triangle was present on the map and dynamic routing was activated, but nothing, no alterations to the route etc.

could you tell me if:-

do you always get a 'alterntive route calculated' annoucement on dynamic nav? (assuming that one is available that is)

apart from the voice prompt, due you get any visual indication that a recalc of the route has occurred (like on the DIS or on the main display)?

many thanks

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You only get re-routed if it can calculate a route that it thinks will be quicker - if the alternative routes are no quicker then it will stay with the current route.

You only get a voice prompt, nothing on the display.

I've heard the announcement several times since I had the TMC upgrade done in December. And several incorrect announcements too - like roadworks that by the state of the road clearly hadn't been there for months!

If the TMC data is not up-to-date then you will not be informed about delays/accidents/incidents. Remember there are 2 competing providers of TMC data in the UK - ITIS and TrafficMaster. Audi use TrafficMaster, maybe your BMW used ITIS and they were more up-to-date?

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Guest RichA


Thats when I check to see how bad it looks and dive into the RNS-E settings to recalculate a route either avoiding the current road or changing the preferences to route me on non-motorway roads.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm. Not sure I know how to do either of those.

- How do you recalculate a route to avoid the current road. And,

- How do you change preferences to route on non-motorway roads.


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Thats when I check to see how bad it looks and dive into the RNS-E settings to recalculate a route either avoiding the current road or changing the preferences to route me on non-motorway roads.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm. Not sure I know how to do either of those.

- How do you recalculate a route to avoid the current road. And,

- How do you change preferences to route on non-motorway roads.


[/ QUOTE ]

Err, when the map view is active, it's the top right hand MMI button - sorry can't remember what the label is (I think it's either route or map). In the resulting menu are a four or five options e.g. stopovers, avoiding the road for a certain radius like 1, 5, 10, 20 miles or similar. Another option is Motorways (again, I think) and there are two options when selected Use and Avoid.

The less complicated option is to stop the route guidance and then restart it, so that it offers you the 3 possible routes and using the rotary controller to select a route that suits.

Changing any of these preferences, recalculates the route and away you go.

Not quite as intuitive as the TomTom "avoid road" option but pretty effective all the same! 169144-ok.gif

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