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More war stories from the main dealers


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Hello folks,

Excuse me why I publically vent please... Makes me feel a whole lot better.

Took my 2003 R32 in to the main dealers today (who will remain nameless) for its yearly service. I think, after years of using them for this and the previous golf that was sadly my last trip there.

To begin with, I reported a fault with the water temperature sensor, which several people on here and other forums have experienced, and explained that VW had redesigned it and this was most likely the problem with eratic readings on the dash gauge.

Unfortunately, I mentioned the "f" word (forum) to which the guy threw his arms in the air, and started ranting (for want of a better word) about how I shouldn't be believing anything written on internet forums, and how they do nothing but spread misconceptions about issues and this was not at all a common fault with the golf, but they would look at it and find the "real" cause of the problem.

Anyway, left it with them, explained that I knew the brakes were getting close to the end of their life wear wise, but not to do anything with them and went to work.

Get a phone call about 13:00, saying they've discovered the problem with the gauge is the temperature sensor (what a surprise), did I want them to fix it. "What's the damage?" I naievely ask, expecting the part to cost about £15 and maybe 5 minutes to fit it. "£90 sir". Well nothing is ever as cheap as you think - and I need the car tomorrow to do some serious milage and didn't want to spend the evening in the cold under torch light trying to figure out how to fit the new unit, so I instructed them to change it.

Anyway, to cut a long moan short, collected the car at 17:00, to find that for my 340 of her majesties finest notes, all they've done it replace this one part, changed the oil, a pollen filter and told me that my brakes pads only had 5mm left on them. Which I told them in the morning... smashfreakB.gif Even more remarkable is that last year, they told me the brakes were "almost gone, 5000miles max left on them", yet this year, 10,000 later, they've got more wear left than last year!

What REALLY peaved me was that the quarter of tank of fuel I'd deliberately left in it was down to the red, and an additional 12 miles was on the clock since I left it with them in the morning. They hadn't even bothered to reset the "mode 1" trip computer, so I could see that the 12 miles was covered in a mighty 11mpg, although to some extent I guess they had the engine idling for a while.

And then we have the seat adjustment. I understand that as a taller than average chap, they might need to move the seat forward. but do they REALLY need to raise it to its highest position and adjust both the rake and lumber support? It takes me months to get it back to how I like it frown.gif

OK rant over, I feel better now, thanks for listening, I'll get me bike. bike.thumb.gif

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And then we have the seat adjustment. I understand that as a taller than average chap, they might need to move the seat forward. but do they REALLY need to raise it to its highest position and adjust both the rake and lumber support? It takes me months to get it back to how I like it frown.gif

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One of most useful features to have is electrically adjustable memory seats, just for the reason you mention. Made life so much easier when I had the M3

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And then we have the seat adjustment. I understand that as a taller than average chap, they might need to move the seat forward. but do they REALLY need to raise it to its highest position and adjust both the rake and lumber support? It takes me months to get it back to how I like it frown.gif

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One of most useful features to have is electrically adjustable memory seats, just for the reason you mention. Made life so much easier when I had the M3

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If it had memory seats, chances are that the junior tea maker (that took it for a 12 mile blast) would have re-programmed them just to wind you up!

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And then we have the seat adjustment. I understand that as a taller than average chap, they might need to move the seat forward. but do they REALLY need to raise it to its highest position and adjust both the rake and lumber support? It takes me months to get it back to how I like it frown.gif

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One of most useful features to have is electrically adjustable memory seats, just for the reason you mention. Made life so much easier when I had the M3

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If it had memory seats, chances are that the junior tea maker (that took it for a 12 mile blast) would have re-programmed them just to wind you up!

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Nah........they're not bright enough to work it out 169144-ok.gif

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Its situations like this where I feel justified in driving a 200 mile round trip to APS to get the car looked after.

I appreciate the dealers point of view that every person taking their cars in will soon be saying "well according to ***** forum its this thats broken...." and they might not have done much research to reach that conclusion, but surely we are making their lives easier by directing them towards the problem, especially if its something like a temp sensor (or a MAF which might not even throw up a fault code).

And as for 12 miles at 11mpg, thats a bit naughty. Problem is, you're dealing with people who see 1.1 Polos on a regular basis so when something like the R is in the shop, they see it as an opportunity for a thrash. Wouldn't happen at a Porsche dealership so why does it have to happen at VW. Isn't there a 'valet' mode on Revo software which allows you to limit the power? Almost worth having it just for that!

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Thanks for your thoughts Dan. Yes its a pity, especially as I've got on quite well this this particular dealer for the last 5 years. Next year, APS will be receiving another customer, its just a pity that this means taking a day of work.

Next stop, getting the ECS stage 5 brakes (stage 1 rear) and some wheels. The fronts have managed to go bald on the inner edge again, so now's a good time. I've narrowed my choice down to BBS or Rays.

ps. I discovered this morning that when they changed the temp sensor, they didn't bother topping the water up. So on a cold engine, the water level was about half an inch below the minimum frown.gif

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ps. I discovered this morning that when they changed the temp sensor, they didn't bother topping the water up. So on a cold engine, the water level was about half an inch below the minimum frown.gif

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The coolant level does seem to go up & down a lot on these cars depending upon the weather so this may not have been as badly missed as it sounds

Missing fundamental stuff like that really get's on my goat.

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